# # This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the # Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL"), version 1.0. # You may only use this file in accordance with the terms of version # 1.0 of the CDDL. # # A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this # source. A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at # http://www.illumos.org/license/CDDL. # # # Copyright 2021 Gary Mills # Copyright 2017 Alexander Pyhalov # %patch% 01-no-iconv-latin1.patch %patch% 02-requires-metadata.patch %hook-begin% # https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/pygobject/-/issues/651 LICENSE_FILE=COPYING %include-1% # Force meson build style because the default PEP 517 build style is unable to # create wheels with the pkgconfig file. See meson.build and # https://github.com/pygobject/pycairo/issues/312 BUILD_STYLE = meson USE_DEFAULT_TEST_TRANSFORMS = yes # We want to build for all Python versions SINGLE_PYTHON_VERSION = no %include-2% COMPONENT_SRC = pygobject-$(HUMAN_VERSION) # We cannot obsolete pygobject-27 yet because it is needed by gimp and pygtk2-27. PYTHON_VERSIONS_OBSOLETING := $(filter-out 2.7, $(PYTHON_VERSIONS_OBSOLETING)) # Bring in usual defaults for the pyproject based Python projects include $(WS_MAKE_RULES)/pyproject-defaults.mk # These variables needs to be defined before the common.mk include. BUILD_64 = $(PYTHON_VERSIONS:%=$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-%/.built) INSTALL_64 = $(PYTHON_VERSIONS:%=$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-%/.installed) ifeq ($(strip $(wildcard $(COMPONENT_TEST_RESULTS_DIR)/results-*.master)),) TEST_64 = $(PYTHON_VERSIONS:%=$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-%/.tested) else TEST_64 = $(PYTHON_VERSIONS:%=$(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-%/.tested-and-compared) endif # Add runtime dependencies from project metadata to generated manifest GENERATE_EXTRA_DEPS += $(BUILD_DIR)/META.depend-runtime.res # Add build dependencies from project metadata to REQUIRED_PACKAGES REQUIRED_PACKAGES_RESOLVED += $(BUILD_DIR)/META.depend.res # Add runtime dependencies from project metadata to REQUIRED_PACKAGES REQUIRED_PACKAGES_RESOLVED += $(BUILD_DIR)/META.depend-runtime.res %include-3% # Set BITS and PYTHON_VERSION for all targets $(foreach t,built installed tested tested-and-compared, \ $(eval $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-%/.$(t): BITS=64) \ $(foreach v,$(PYTHON_VERSION), \ $(eval $(BUILD_DIR)/%-$(v)/.$(t): PYTHON_VERSION=$(v)) \ ) \ ) # Move all modules from default site-packages directory to vendor-packages # directory where we place modules shipped by the OS but not included in the # core Python distribution. COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ if [ -d $(PROTO_DIR)/$(PYTHON_DIR)/site-packages ] ; then \ $(RM) -r $(PROTO_DIR)/$(PYTHON_LIB) ; \ $(MV) $(PROTO_DIR)/$(PYTHON_DIR)/site-packages $(PROTO_DIR)/$(PYTHON_LIB) ; \ fi ; # Rename some files to make way for symlinks COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ (cd $(PROTOUSRINCDIR)/pygobject-3.0; $(MV) pygobject.h pygobject.h-$(PYTHON_VERSION)) ; COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ (cd $(PROTOUSRLIBDIR64)/pkgconfig; $(MV) pygobject-3.0.pc pygobject-3.0.pc-$(PYTHON_VERSION)) ; # Replace Python version in header and pkgconfig file names GENERATE_EXTRA_CMD += | \ $(GSED) -E -e 's/(pygobject((\.h)|(-3\.0\.pc))-)3\.[0-9]*$$/\1$$(PYVER)/' | uniq # We need to add -$(PYV) to package fmri GENERATE_EXTRA_CMD += | \ $(GSED) -e 's/^\(set name=pkg.fmri [^@]*\)\(.*\)$$/\1-$$(PYV)\2/' # Per Python version test infrastructure COMPONENT_TEST_BUILD_DIR = $(BUILD_DIR)/test-$(PYTHON_VERSION) COMPONENT_TEST_OUTPUT = $(COMPONENT_TEST_BUILD_DIR)/test-$(PYTHON_VERSION)-results COMPONENT_TEST_DIFFS = $(COMPONENT_TEST_BUILD_DIR)/test-$(PYTHON_VERSION)-diffs COMPONENT_TEST_SNAPSHOT = $(COMPONENT_TEST_BUILD_DIR)/results-$(PYTHON_VERSION).snapshot COMPONENT_TEST_TRANSFORM_CMD = $(COMPONENT_TEST_BUILD_DIR)/transform-$(PYTHON_VERSION)-results # Testing uses Pytest under the hood so we need to make sure we do not load all # installed Pytest plugins that could cause testing to fail. COMPONENT_TEST_ENV += PYTEST_DISABLE_PLUGIN_AUTOLOAD=1 # Following tests (from Python core) fails in our environment. # Further investigation is needed. PYTEST_ADDOPTS += --deselect tests/test_events.py::GLibEventLoopTests::test_bidirectional_pty PYTEST_ADDOPTS += --deselect tests/test_events.py::GLibEventLoopTests::test_read_pty_output PYTEST_ADDOPTS += --deselect tests/test_events.py::GLibEventLoopTests::test_write_pty COMPONENT_TEST_ENV += PYTEST_ADDOPTS="$(PYTEST_ADDOPTS)" # Testing needs an X server TEST_REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/server/xvfb COMPONENT_PRE_TEST_ACTION += /usr/bin/Xvfb :0 >/dev/null 2>&1 & COMPONENT_TEST_ENV += DISPLAY=:0 COMPONENT_POST_TEST_ACTION += /usr/bin/pkill -x Xvfb ; # Add build dependencies from project metadata to REQUIRED_PACKAGES $(BUILD_DIR)/META.depend.res: $(SOURCE_DIR)/.prep $(MKDIR) $(BUILD_DIR) $(PYTHON) -m pyproject_installer deps --depsconfig $(BUILD_DIR)/pyproject_deps.json add build_pep517 pep517 $(PYTHON) -m pyproject_installer deps --depsconfig $(BUILD_DIR)/pyproject_deps.json add build_pep518 pep518 cd $(SOURCE_DIR) ; $(PYTHON) -m pyproject_installer deps --depsconfig $(BUILD_DIR)/pyproject_deps.json sync $(PYTHON) -m pyproject_installer deps --depsconfig $(BUILD_DIR)/pyproject_deps.json eval --depformat '$$nname' \ | $(GSED) -e 's/.*/depend type=require fmri=pkg:\/library\/python\/&-$$(PYV)/' \ > $@ # Remove any previous dependency files COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += $(RM) $(@D)/.depend-runtime ; # Add runtime dependencies from project metadata to generated manifest GENERATE_EXTRA_CMD += | \ $(CAT) - <( \ echo "" ; \ echo "\# python modules are unusable without python runtime binary" ; \ echo "depend type=require fmri=__TBD pkg.debug.depend.file=python\$$(PYVER) \\" ; \ echo " pkg.debug.depend.path=usr/bin" ; \ echo "" ; \ echo "\# Automatically generated dependencies based on distribution metadata" ; \ $(CAT) $(BUILD_DIR)/META.depend-runtime.res \ ) # Generate raw lists of runtime dependencies per Python version COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ PYTHONPATH=$(PROTO_DIR)/$(PYTHON_DIR)/site-packages:$(PROTO_DIR)/$(PYTHON_LIB) \ $(PYTHON) $(WS_TOOLS)/python-requires $(COMPONENT_NAME) >> $(@D)/.depend-runtime ; # Convert raw per version lists of runtime dependencies to single resolved # runtime dependency list. $(BUILD_DIR)/META.depend-runtime.res: $(INSTALL_$(MK_BITS)) $(CAT) $(INSTALL_$(MK_BITS):%.installed=%.depend-runtime) | $(SORT) -u \ | $(GSED) -e 's/.*/depend type=require fmri=pkg:\/library\/python\/&-$$(PYV)/' > $@ %hook-manifest% # Create mediated symlinks printf '<transform file path=(usr/.*/)(pygobject(\\.h|-3\\.0\\.pc))-(3\\.\\d+)$ -> emit link path=%%<1>%%<2> target=%%<2>-%%<4> mediator=python mediator-version=%%<4> >\n' >> "$DISTRIBUTION-PYVER.p5m"