===================================== Open source projects using Hypothesis ===================================== The following is a non-exhaustive list of open source projects I know are using Hypothesis. If you're aware of any others please add them to the list! The only inclusion criterion right now is that if it's a Python library then it should be available on PyPI. You can find hundreds more from `the Hypothesis page at libraries.io `_, and :gh-file:`thousands on GitHub `. Hypothesis has `over 100,000 downloads per week `__, and was used by `more than 4% of Python users surveyed by the PSF in 2020 `__. * `aur `_ * `argon2_cffi `_ * `array-api-tests `_ * `attrs `_ * `axelrod `_ * `bidict `_ * `binaryornot `_ * `brotlicffi `_ * :pypi:`chardet` * :pypi:`cmph-cffi` * `cryptography `_ * `dbus-signature-pyparsing `_ * `dry-python/returns `_ * `fastnumbers `_ * `flocker `_ * `flownetpy `_ * `funsize `_ * `fusion-index `_ * `hyper-h2 `_ * `into-dbus-python `_ * `ivy `_ * `justbases `_ * `justbytes `_ * `loris `_ * `mariadb-dyncol `_ * `MDAnalysis `_ * `mercurial `_ * `napari `_ * `natsort `_ * `numpy `_ * `pandas `_ * `pandera `_ * `poliastro `_ * `pretext `_ * `priority `_ * `PyCEbox `_ * `PyPy `_ * `pyrsistent `_ * `python-humble-utils `_ * `pyudev `_ * `qutebrowser `_ * `RubyMarshal `_ * `Segpy `_ * `sgkit `_ * `simoa `_ * `srt `_ * `tchannel `_ * `vdirsyncer `_ * `wcag-contrast-ratio `_ * `xarray `_ * `yacluster `_ * `yturl `_ * `zenml `_