# # This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the # Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL"). You may # only use this file in accordance with the terms of the CDDL. # # A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this # source. A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at # http://www.illumos.org/license/CDDL. # # # Copyright 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 David Stes # # # Package Makefile for the "OpenSmalltalk Cog Spur" Squeak Smalltalk system # See http://squeak.org and http://opensmalltalk.org # # opensmalltalk-vm can be built both in 32 and 64bit # since december 2023 version 5.0.3339 we only deliver ELF64 bit executables # because the required 32bit libraries are no longer available USE_COMMON_TEST_MASTER= no # the SSL module is supporting 1.1 and 3.x but SUnit testframework is not USE_OPENSSL10=yes # currently the JPEGReadWriter2Plugin is disabled in plugins.int # # the goal is to use libjpeg8-turbo (or any other libjpeg implementation) # special care for included header files as the struct sizes vary # we 'fix' the Squeak source code that has an old libjpeg included in source # this should be fixed upstream in the Squeak sources # the default OpenIndiana JPEG_IMPLEM at time of writing is libjpeg8-turbo JPEG_IMPLEM=libjpeg8-turbo include ../../../../make-rules/shared-macros.mk # there is no official triplet version for opensmalltalk-vm # we use 5.0. for VMMaker.oscog-eem. or VMMaker.oscog-mt. # sometimes the Stack VM is generated from a different VMMaker as the Cog VM COMPONENT_NAME= cog-spur COMPONENT_VERSION= 5.0.3517 GIT_TAG= sun-v5.0.71 PLUGIN_REV= 5.0-202503071743-cog COMPONENT_SUMMARY= The OpenSmalltalk Cog Spur Virtual Machine COMPONENT_PROJECT_URL= http://www.squeak.org COMPONENT_FMRI= runtime/smalltalk/cog-spur COMPONENT_CLASSIFICATION= Development/Smalltalk # See http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/933 # See http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/159 # there's 2 license lines in the manifest, the MIT squeak.license and this one COMPONENT_LICENSE= Squeak5 COMPONENT_LICENSE_FILE= squeak5.license COMPONENT_SRC= opensmalltalk-vm-$(GIT_TAG) COMPONENT_ARCHIVE= $(COMPONENT_SRC).tar.gz COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_HASH= sha256:1957e987fe5224b04d154d59eb34fd9de080904aa2731469d2ee44f745726419 COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_URL= https://codeload.github.com/cstes/opensmalltalk-vm/tar.gz/$(GIT_TAG) # run SUnit tests in the build directories on 32bit and 64bit Squeak images # AllocationTest and BitmapStreamTests are currently skipped # see comments in the Squeak.image on those tests COMPONENT_TEST_CMD= $(COMPONENT_TEST_RESULTS_DIR)/testrunner.sh $(BITS) $(COMPONENT_DIR) $(BUILD_DIR_$(BITS)) include $(WS_MAKE_RULES)/common.mk # problem with OpenSmalltalk libtool and /bin/bash # since upgrade from libtool VERSION="2.4.6 Debian-2.4.6-2" # to VERSION="2.4.6 Debian-2.4.6-9" CONFIG_SHELL= /bin/sh PKG_OPTIONS += -D PLUGIN_REV="$(PLUGIN_REV)" PKG_OPTIONS += -DBRANCHID="$(BRANCHID)" PATH=$(PATH.gnu) # cleanup the plugin directory SOURCE_JPEG = $(SOURCE_DIR)/platforms/Cross/plugins/JPEGReadWriter2Plugin # remove old libjpeg6 b2 sources from tree # opensmalltalk configure script checks for plugins files in builddir COMPONENT_PRE_CONFIGURE_ACTION = ( \ $(MKDIR) $(BUILD_DIR_32); \ cp plugins.ext plugins.int $(BUILD_DIR_32); \ $(MKDIR) $(BUILD_DIR_64); \ cp plugins.ext plugins.int $(BUILD_DIR_64); \ find $(SOURCE_JPEG) \ \! -name JPEGReadWriter2Plugin.h \ \! -name sqJPEGReadWriter2Plugin.c \ \! -name Error.c \ \! -name jinclude.h \ \! -name jmemdatasrc.c \ \! -name jmemdatadst.c \ -exec rm {} \; \ ) # the Squeak configure script detects the lfcompile flags # but unfortunately I think some files do not #include "config.h" # we have to make sure largefile support is enabled in the 32bit case CPPFLAGS += $(CPP_LARGEFILES) # Spur memory management sometimes not compatible with traditional malloc LIBS = "-lmapmalloc" # the default CFLAGS.gcc will be -m64 -O3 but this does not work for us # opensmalltalk code is not compatible with the gcc optimizer -O2 or higher # for gcc 14.2 add -Wno-error options gcc_OPT= -DAIO_DEBUG -DNDEBUG -DDEBUGVM=0 -DCOGMTVM=0 gcc_OPT+= -Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration gcc_OPT+= -Wno-error=incompatible-pointer-types # epoll(5) seems to work with OpenSmalltalk, but valgrind complains #17199 # also on Linux some OpenSmalltalk users prefer to disable epoll when fork used # http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/vm-dev/2022-February/037652.html CONFIGURE_SCRIPT= $(SOURCE_DIR)/platforms/unix/config/configure CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --without-npsqueak CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-vmversion=5.0 CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --disable-dynamicopenssl CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --without-libtls CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --without-vm-sound-Sun CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --without-vm-sound-OSS CONFIGURE_OPTIONS.32 += --with-src=src/spur32.cog CONFIGURE_OPTIONS.64 += --with-src=src/spur64.cog CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --disable-epoll CONFIGURE_ENV += CPPFLAGS="$(CPPFLAGS)" CONFIGURE_ENV += LIBS="$(LIBS)" CONFIGURE_ENV.32 += TARGET_ARCH="-m32" CONFIGURE_ENV.64 += TARGET_ARCH="-m64" # for pkgsend generate (sample-manifest) # the actual manifest uses a mediator mediated hardlink for the squeak manpage PKG_HARDLINKS += usr/share/man/man1/squeak.1 # the opensmalltalk Makefile does not use DESTDIR COMPONENT_INSTALL_ARGS= ROOT=$(PROTO_DIR) COMPONENT_BUILD_TARGETS= getversion squeak plugins ckformat COMPONENT_INSTALL_TARGETS= install-squeak install-doc install-plugins \ install-ckformat # Makefile has no strip target COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION = \ ( find $(PROTOUSRLIBDIR) -name 'squeak' -type f -exec strip {} \; ) # # target to update the manifests from sample-manifest # rebuild-manifests:: cp manifests/cog-spur.p5m cog-spur.p5m cp manifests/cog-spur-vep.p5m cog-spur-vep.p5m cp manifests/cog-spur-ssl.p5m cog-spur-ssl.p5m cp manifests/cog-spur-display-X11.p5m cog-spur-display-X11.p5m cp manifests/cog-spur-nodisplay.p5m cog-spur-nodisplay.p5m cp manifests/sample-manifest.p5m sample-manifest.p5m tools/pluginrev.sh $(PLUGIN_REV) sample.p5m tools/classify.pl