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#7101 (Jun 2, 2023, 3:05:44 AM)

Started 1 yr 10 mo ago
Took 1 hr 12 min on built-in

Started by timer

Revision: 7cde7e8304298d7a382425e0bc76af32517de907
  • refs/remotes/origin/oi/hipster
  1. python/nbformat: update to 5.9.0 (commit: 01944d8) (details / githubweb)
  2. python/rich: update to 13.4.1 (commit: 0230c66) (details / githubweb)
  3. python/hypothesis: update to 6.75.9 (commit: b48683a) (details / githubweb)
  4. python/CacheControl: update to 0.13.0 (commit: c107f95) (details / githubweb)
  5. postgresql-common: remove dependency on postgres library and move var/postgres dir (commit: 6b69539) (details / githubweb)
  6. Add Nagios Plugins (commit: be90e40) (details / githubweb)
  7. xterm: update to 382 (commit: b1191d7) (details / githubweb)
  8. rebuild readline because of damaged hash (commit: 1abf15a) (details / githubweb)
  9. unrar: update to 6.2.8 (commit: b39c08f) (details / githubweb)
  10. openssl-1.0: add patch for CVE-2023-2650 (commit: 7cde7e8) (details / githubweb)