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#7146 (Jul 16, 2023, 3:05:56 AM)

Started 1 yr 5 mo ago
Took 1 hr 39 min on built-in

Started by timer

Revision: 7302136d2b133e21f24f217f007feae5b7cf25d0
  • refs/remotes/origin/oi/hipster
  1. rebuild glw part of mesa (commit: 45911c2) (details / githubweb)
  2. tools/license-detector: drop Artistic-1.0-TODO (commit: 0dc9b06) (details / githubweb)
  3. perl/Module-Build-Tiny: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: e0f1ccb) (details / githubweb)
  4. perl/Test-Differences: update to 0.70; rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: ff79882) (details / githubweb)
  5. python/frozenlist: update to 1.4.0; obsolete package for Python 3.7 (commit: ca0a621) (details / githubweb)
  6. Add Cpanel::JSON::XS Perl module (commit: 38751f6) (details / githubweb)
  7. python/diff_cover: update to 7.6.1; obsolete package for Python 3.7 (commit: 49c945d) (details / githubweb)
  8. rebuild mesa (commit: 6dab870) (details / githubweb)
  9. perl/XML-SAX: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: 83c2df8) (details / githubweb)
  10. perl/Cwd-Guard: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: bab5604) (details / githubweb)
  11. perl/Error: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: c77ead4) (details / githubweb)
  12. perl/Exception-Class: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: 86db6d3) (details / githubweb)
  13. perl/File-Remove: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: dba51fb) (details / githubweb)
  14. perl/IO-Socket-INET6: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: 3a630bb) (details / githubweb)
  15. perl/Mail-AuthenticationResults: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: f8948cc) (details / githubweb)
  16. perl/Moo: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: 3de338c) (details / githubweb)
  17. perl/Encode-Detect: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: 1ae6b6c) (details / githubweb)
  18. perl/Net-LibIDN2: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: 4077c80) (details / githubweb)
  19. perl/Parse-RecDescent: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: 6969eac) (details / githubweb)
  20. perl/Path-Class: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: 902ff2c) (details / githubweb)
  21. python/click: update to 8.1.5 (commit: e1ca6ce) (details / githubweb)
  22. perl/Module-Runtime: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: 706d934) (details / githubweb)
  23. python/pytest-enabler: update to 2.3.1; obsolete package for Python 3.7 (commit: 6fa5403) (details / githubweb)
  24. python/pymongo: update to 4.4.1; obsolete package for Python 3.7 (commit: 5a1e8a3) (details / githubweb)
  25. perl/Test-File: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: b7a5421) (details / githubweb)
  26. Add JSON::MaybeXS Perl module (commit: cd6af61) (details / githubweb)
  27. perl/MIME-Types: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: c1d5526) (details / githubweb)
  28. Add Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum Perl module (commit: d6e1aed) (details / githubweb)
  29. perl/Digest-SHA3: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: 2729528) (details / githubweb)
  30. perl/CryptX: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: 45d88d8) (details / githubweb)
  31. perl/Test2-Suite: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: 5b714a7) (details / githubweb)
  32. taglib: update to 1.13.1 and add test results (commit: cefc0f9) (details / githubweb)
  33. openldap: update to 2.6.5 (commit: 8317d71) (details / githubweb)
  34. perl/Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: 8656fcf) (details / githubweb)
  35. perl/Class-Singleton: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: 8b8e003) (details / githubweb)
  36. perl/IPC-Run3: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: e378dfb) (details / githubweb)
  37. perl/Test-NoWarnings: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: 48cfa28) (details / githubweb)
  38. perl/Bit-Vector: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: 351c126) (details / githubweb)
  39. Add File::HomeDir Perl module (commit: 5d9b02d) (details / githubweb)
  40. perl/DBI: rebuild for Perl 5.38 (commit: 7634078) (details / githubweb)
  41. ntp: add --disable-signalled-io option to configure (commit: 9f18790) (details / githubweb)
  42. Update CI config with pipelines from second server (commit: 6bbc193) (details / githubweb)
  43. Move CI configuration into own sub folder (commit: 002047e) (details / githubweb)
  44. Add other project configs from build server testing (commit: 7363f7a) (details / githubweb)
  45. Fixed: test for components to build was set to full rather than incremental (commit: 1c70255) (details / githubweb)
  46. ghostscript: update to 10.01.2 and add test data and results (commit: 7302136) (details / githubweb)