PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "$(PERL)" "-Iblib/lib" "-Iblib/arch" 1..45 ok 1 - use Term::Cap; ok 2 - termcap_path() should find default files ok 3 - termcap_path() should find file from $ENV{TERMCAP} ok 4 - termcap_path() should find file from $ENV{TERMPATH} ok 5 - Tpad() should return undef with no arguments ok 6 - Tpad() should return strings verbatim with no match ok 7 - Tpad() should pad paddable strings ok 8 - Tpad() should perform pad math ok 9 - Tpad() should write to filehandle when passed ok 10 - Tputs() should return existing value ok 11 - Tputs() should delegate to Tpad() ok 12 - Tputs() should cache pc value when asked ok 13 - Tputs() should write to filehandle when passed ok 14 - Trequire() should finds existing cap ok 15 - Trequire() should croak with unsupported cap ok 16 - Tgetent() should croaks without TERM ok 17 - Tgetent() should set default OSPEED ok 18 - Default OSPEED implies default PADDING ok 19 - Tgetent() doesn't carp() without warnings on ok 20 - Tgetent() should not work if OSPEED is provided ok 21 - Tgetent() should set slow PADDING when needed ok 22 - Tgetent() should catch bad termcap file ok 23 - Tgetent() should die with bad termcap ok 24 - Tgetent() should catch deep recursion ok 25 - Tgetent() should set a single field correctly ok 26 - Tgetent() should set another field on the same line ok 27 - Tgetent() should set a blank field correctly ok 28 - Tgetent() should set a key value pair correctly ok 29 - Tgetent() should set and translate pairs ok 30 - should set _pc field correctly ok 31 - should set _bc field correctly ok 32 - Windows gets "dumb" by default ok 33 - Tgoto() should handle %d code ok 34 - Tgoto() should print to filehandle if passed ok 35 - Tgoto() should handle %. ok 36 - Tgoto() should handle %. and magic ok 37 - Tgoto() should handle %+ ok 38 - Tgoto() should handle %+char ok 39 - Tgoto() should substr()s %+ if needed ok 40 - Tgoto() should swaps params with %r ok 41 - Tgoto() should unpack args with %> ok 42 - Tgoto() should format with %2 ok 43 - Tgoto() should also formats with %3 ok 44 - Tgoto() should increment args with %i ok 45 - Tgoto() should catch invalid args