# If invoked with -v FUNCTION=name, then just print $1 (s|/|---|). # Otherwise we expect to be invoked with TARGET=<whatever>, then if # s|/|---| on $1 matches TARGET, we generate a manifest. { if (substr($1, 1, 1) == "#") { # Skip comments. next } fmri=$1 split(fmri, a, "@") gsub("/", "---", a[1]) target = sprintf("%s.p5m", a[1]) if (FUNCTION == "name") { printf "%s\n", target next } if (target != TARGET) { next } printf "set name=pkg.fmri value=pkg:/%s\n", fmri if (NF == 3 || (NF ==2 && $2 != "noincorporate")) { print "set name=pkg.renamed value=true" printf "depend type=require fmri=%s\n", $2 } else { print "set name=pkg.obsolete value=true" } if ($NF == "noincorporate") { print "set name=pkg.tmp.noincorporate value=true" } print "set name=org.opensolaris.consolidation value=$(CONSOLIDATION)" exit 0 # We're done; no point continuing. }