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#593 (Dec 13, 2024, 5:06:09 PM)

Started 3 mo 9 days ago
Took 3 min 40 sec on encumbered_node

Started by an SCM change

Revision: d298cb065c601e0fa74f601de54babc0f4b6a992
  • refs/remotes/origin/oi/hipster
  1. python/pytest_freezer: update to 0.4.9; obsolete package for Python 3.7 (commit: 91fad8a) (details / githubweb)
  2. Update DB_File Perl distribution to 1.859 for Perl 5.36 and 5.38 (commit: 3c90a82) (details / githubweb)
  3. Update experimental Perl distribution to 0.032 for Perl 5.36 and 5.38 (commit: 1993627) (details / githubweb)
  4. Update ExtUtils-Manifest Perl distribution to 1.75 for Perl 5.36 and 5.38 (commit: cd99e1f) (details / githubweb)
  5. Update Getopt-Long Perl distribution to 2.58 (commit: 11b11d6) (details / githubweb)
  6. Update JSON-PP Perl distribution to 4.16 for Perl 5.36 (commit: d30e6cf) (details / githubweb)
  7. Update Module-Metadata Perl distribution to 1.000038 for Perl 5.36 and 5.38 (commit: b9f5c51) (details / githubweb)
  8. Update parent Perl distribution to 0.243 (commit: fd8c958) (details / githubweb)
  9. Update Pod-Checker Perl distribution to 1.77 for Perl 5.36 and 5.38 (commit: a4fbede) (details / githubweb)
  10. python/flake8-bugbear: update to 24.12.12 (commit: 3ffaf86) (details / githubweb)
  11. python/inline-snapshot: update to 0.16.0 (commit: d298cb0) (details / githubweb)