# Security Policy

## Supported Versions

The OpenIndiana project commits to providing fixes or mitigations to each
and every security vulnerability in software we provide. List of source
code repositories of software we develop is to be found in the

Note that most of the software we deliver is developed independently and
we merely distribute it. As such the original software author should be made
aware about a potential security issue.

Priority with which we handle security issues is based on the severity
of the issue.

OpenIndiana is a rolling release distribution and has only one maintained
branch called *hipster*. Other (historical) branches are not supported.

## Reporting a Vulnerability

If you are aware of a security vulnerability in software delivered by
the OpenIndiana project, please send us an email to security@openindiana.org.
Thank you!

Also see the [Security Issues](https://www.openindiana.org/community/security-issues/)
page on our website.