============================= test session starts ==============================
platform sunos5 -- Python $(PYTHON_VERSION).X -- $(PYTHON)
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: $(@D)
configfile: pytest.ini
testpaths: tests
collecting ... collected 34 items

 pytest collect file

    only loads dot py files
    skips underscored files
    skips underscored directories
    does not consume conftest files


    selects all non underscored members
    skips setup and teardown
    skips pytest fixtures
    setup given inner class instances when inherited
    setup method given inner class instances


    skips non callable items
    skips imported objects
    does not warn about imported names
    replaces class tests with custom recursing classes
    does not collect test prefixed files


    methods self objects exhibit class attributes
    nested self objects exhibit parent attributes
    nesting is infinite
    overriding works naturally
    normal methods from outer classes are not copied
    private methods from outer classes are copied
    module contents are not copied into top level classes


    acts just like normal pytest


    displays tests indented under module header
    test prefixes are stripped


    shows tests nested under classes without files
    tests are colorized by test result
    nests many levels deep no problem
    headers and tests have underscores turn to spaces
    test prefixes are stripped
    test suffixes are stripped


    when given exception raised no problem
    when given exception not raised it raises Exception
    when some other exception raised it is untouched

======== 32 passed, 2 skipped ========