Prior to 2.7.4, the bsddb module was a no-op, as it did not get built.
Starting with 2.7.4, the behavior is different, and it causes tests to
dump core.  So skip it.  The module is removed in Python 3, so this patch
is not being submitted upstream.

--- Python-2.7.13/	2016-12-19 19:49:29.882892296 +0300
+++ Python-2.7.13/	2016-12-19 19:49:29.987869375 +0300
@@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@
 		ensurepip ensurepip/_bundled \
 		json json/tests \
 		sqlite3 sqlite3/test \
-		logging bsddb bsddb/test csv importlib wsgiref \
+		logging csv importlib wsgiref \
 		lib2to3 lib2to3/fixes lib2to3/pgen2 lib2to3/tests \
 		lib2to3/tests/data lib2to3/tests/data/fixers lib2to3/tests/data/fixers/myfixes \
 		ctypes ctypes/test ctypes/macholib \
--- Python-2.7.6/	2014-05-14 17:15:45.315760008 -0700
+++ Python-2.7.6/	2014-05-14 17:16:27.440642039 -0700
@@ -1065,7 +1065,8 @@
                                     db_dirs_to_check + lib_dirs, dblib )
                     if dblib_file:
                         dblib_dir = [ os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(dblib_file)) ]
-                        raise db_found
+                        # Doesn't work; skip.
+                        # raise db_found
                         if db_setup_debug: print "db lib: ", dblib, "not found"