Oracle customization - non upstream patch
Prevent puppet's build script from gzipping the manpages.  Our version
of man doesn't understand manpages with a .gz extension

--- puppet-3.8.6/install.rb.orig        2016-04-19 14:11:02.962068933 -0700
+++ puppet-3.8.6/install.rb     2016-04-19 14:12:16.560008346 -0700
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env ruby
+# Oracle has modified the originally distributed contents of this file.
 # Copyright 2004 Austin Ziegler <>
 #   Install utility. Based on the original installation script for rdoc by the
@@ -135,9 +138,6 @@
       FileUtils.chmod(0755, om)
       FileUtils.install(mf, omf, {:mode => 0644, :preserve => true, :verbose => true})
-    gzip = %x{which gzip}
-    gzip.chomp!
-    %x{#{gzip} -f #{omf}}