--- open-vm-tools-stable-9.4.6/services/vmtoolsd/mainLoop.c.orig	Tue Oct  7 15:00:06 2014
+++ open-vm-tools-stable-9.4.6/services/vmtoolsd/mainLoop.c	Tue Oct  7 15:00:27 2014
@@ -71,7 +71,15 @@
       state->ctx.rpc = NULL;
-   g_main_loop_unref(state->ctx.mainLoop);
+ * (NOTE:  Bug IDs here are from Delphix, not OmniTI.)
+ * Cleaning up is good, but not necessary, and this currently
+ * causes a core dump when vmtoolsd dies because of a known bug in
+ * glib; see Bug 28773. As a workaround, let the kernel free the
+ * memory for us, as it always will when the process exits. This
+ * should be removed when glib is fixed (see bug 33706).
+ */
+ /* g_main_loop_unref(state->ctx.mainLoop); */

 #if defined(G_PLATFORM_WIN32)
    if (state->ctx.comInitialized) {