# # This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the # Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL"), version 1.0. # You may only use this file in accordance with the terms of version # 1.0 of the CDDL. # # A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this # source. A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at # http://www.illumos.org/license/CDDL. # # # Copyright 2024 Geoff Weiss # BUILD_STYLE = meson USE_DEFAULT_TEST_TRANSFORMS = yes include ../../../make-rules/shared-macros.mk # Odd minor versions are unstable. # More details at: # https://blog.gtk.org/2016/09/01/versioning-and-long-term-stability-promise-in-gtk/ COMPONENT_NAME = gtk HUMAN_VERSION = 4.16.13 COMPONENT_SUMMARY = The GTK toolkit COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_HASH = \ sha256:ddf3d9e12b848139a945d191d5ca56b78d0647f53b55b8bca5f9902b61624498 COMPONENT_PROJECT_URL = https://www.gtk.org/ COMPONENT_FMRI = library/desktop/gtk4 COMPONENT_CLASSIFICATION = Desktop (GNOME)/Libraries COMPONENT_LICENSE = LGPL-2.0-only COMPONENT_LICENSE_FILE = COPYING include $(WS_MAKE_RULES)/gnome.mk include $(WS_MAKE_RULES)/common.mk # GNU msgfmt is needed PATH=$(PATH.gnu) # needed to produce /usr/lib/amd64/girepository-1.0 files CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += -Dintrospection=enabled CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += -Dman-pages=true # requires encumbered x264 support CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += -Dmedia-gstreamer=disabled CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += -Dwayland-backend=false # We have no vulkan support CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += -Dvulkan=disabled # Note that the number of failing tests vary for unknown reasons between runs # # Testing needs an X server TEST_REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/server/xvfb COMPONENT_PRE_TEST_ACTION += /usr/bin/Xvfb :1 >/dev/null 2>&1 & COMPONENT_TEST_ENV += DISPLAY=:1 COMPONENT_POST_TEST_ACTION += /usr/bin/pkill -x Xvfb ; # # Installed gtk4 libraries are causing many tests to fail and we didn't found a # way how to prevent their loading. There are basically these libraries # causing problems: # # 1) libgtk-4.so - to avoid loading of the system installed libgtk we can do # this: # # COMPONENT_TEST_ENV += LD_LIBRARY_PATH=gtk # # but since we force the library/desktop/gtk4 uninstall we do not do that. # # 2) libraries in /usr/lib/amd64/gtk-4.0/4.0.0/printbackends/ - we have found # no way how to prevent their loading, except by removing them. # TEST_CONFLICTING_PACKAGES += library/desktop/gtk4 # Dynamic library version number SOVER := 1.$(shell printf '%s00.%s' $(wordlist 2,3,$(subst ., ,$(COMPONENT_VERSION)))) SOVER_RE = $(subst .,\.,$(SOVER)) # Replace library version number by SOVER GENERATE_EXTRA_CMD += | $(GSED) -e 's/$(SOVER_RE)/$$(SOVER)/' # SOVER is needed for manifest processing PKG_MACROS += SOVER=$(SOVER) # Build dependencies REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/python/docutils # Auto-generated dependencies REQUIRED_PACKAGES += $(JPEG_IMPLEM_PKG) REQUIRED_PACKAGES += image/library/libpng16 REQUIRED_PACKAGES += image/library/librsvg REQUIRED_PACKAGES += image/library/libtiff REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/c++/harfbuzz REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/desktop/cairo REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/desktop/gdk-pixbuf REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/desktop/graphene REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/desktop/pango REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/fribidi REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/glib2 REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/print/cups-libs REQUIRED_PACKAGES += system/library REQUIRED_PACKAGES += system/library/fontconfig REQUIRED_PACKAGES += system/library/math REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libepoxy REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libx11 REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libxcursor REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libxdamage REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libxext REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libxfixes REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libxi REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libxinerama REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libxrandr