## libEtPan on Windows ## All the provided binaries are compiled in release mode. For the debug mode, you need to download the repositories and compile them. ### Binary ### In case you just need a binary build of libEtPan: - [libEtPan](http://d.etpan.org/mailcore2-deps/libetpan-win32/) Also, you'll need all the dependencies, download the most recent binary builds in: - [Cyrus SASL](http://d.etpan.org/mailcore2-deps/cyrus-sasl-win32/) - [zlib](http://d.etpan.org/mailcore2-deps/zlib-win32/) - [OpenSSL](http://d.etpan.org/mailcore2-deps/misc-win32/) - [SASL](http://d.etpan.org/mailcore2-deps/cyrus-sasl-win32/) ### Build using Visual Studio 2013 ### You'll need all the dependencies, download the most recent binary builds in: - [zlib](http://d.etpan.org/mailcore2-deps/zlib-win32/) - [OpenSSL](http://d.etpan.org/mailcore2-deps/misc-win32/) - [SASL](http://d.etpan.org/mailcore2-deps/cyrus-sasl-win32/) #### Instructions for zlib #### - copy `include`, `lib` and `lib64` folders to `libetpan/third-party`. #### openssl #### - copy `bin`, `bin64`, `include`, `lib` and `lib64` to `mailcore2/Externals`. As a result, in `Externals` folder, you should have the following folders: `include`, `lib`, `lib64`, `bin` and `bin64`. In `libetpan/build-windows`, using Visual Studio 2013, open `libetpan.sln`. Then, build. Public headers will be located in `libetpan/build-windows/include`.