#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script is here to bootstrap the Hypothesis build process into a working # version of Python, then hand over to the actual Hypothesis build runner (which # is written in Python instead of bash). if [ -n "${CI:-}" ] ; then echo "::group::Build setup" ; fi set -o xtrace set -o errexit set -o nounset ROOT="$(git -C "$(dirname "$0")" rev-parse --show-toplevel)" export HYPOTHESIS_ROOT="$ROOT" SCRIPTS="$ROOT/tooling/scripts" # shellcheck source=tooling/scripts/common.sh source "$SCRIPTS/common.sh" if [ -n "${GITHUB_ACTIONS-}" ] || [ -n "${CODESPACES-}" ] ; then # We're on GitHub Actions or Codespaces and already set up a suitable Python PYTHON=$(command -v python) else # Otherwise, we install it from scratch # NOTE: tooling keeps this version in sync with ci_version in tooling "$SCRIPTS/ensure-python.sh" 3.10.16 PYTHON=$(pythonloc 3.10.16)/bin/python fi TOOL_REQUIREMENTS="$ROOT/requirements/tools.txt" TOOL_HASH=$("$PYTHON" "$SCRIPTS/tool-hash.py" < "$TOOL_REQUIREMENTS") TOOL_VIRTUALENV="$VIRTUALENVS/build-$TOOL_HASH" TOOL_PYTHON="$TOOL_VIRTUALENV/bin/python" export PYTHONPATH="$ROOT/tooling/src" if ! "$TOOL_PYTHON" -m hypothesistooling check-installed ; then rm -rf "$TOOL_VIRTUALENV" "$PYTHON" -m pip install --upgrade pip "$PYTHON" -m pip install --upgrade virtualenv "$PYTHON" -m virtualenv "$TOOL_VIRTUALENV" "$TOOL_PYTHON" -m pip install --no-warn-script-location -r requirements/tools.txt fi if [ -n "${CI:-}" ] ; then echo "::endgroup::" ; fi "$TOOL_PYTHON" -m hypothesistooling "$@"