import datetime as dt import decimal import math import random from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple import pytest import simplejson as json from marshmallow import ( EXCLUDE, INCLUDE, RAISE, Schema, class_registry, fields, utils, validates, validates_schema, ) from marshmallow.exceptions import ( RegistryError, StringNotCollectionError, ValidationError, ) from marshmallow.warnings import ( ChangedInMarshmallow4Warning, RemovedInMarshmallow4Warning, ) from tests.base import ( Blog, BlogOnlySchema, BlogSchema, BlogSchemaExclude, BlogSchemaMeta, BlogUserMetaSchema, ExtendedUserSchema, User, UserAdditionalSchema, UserExcludeSchema, UserFloatStringSchema, UserIntSchema, UserMetaSchema, UserRelativeUrlSchema, UserSchema, mockjson, ) random.seed(1) # Run tests with both verbose serializer and 'meta' option serializer @pytest.mark.parametrize("SchemaClass", [UserSchema, UserMetaSchema]) def test_serializing_basic_object(SchemaClass, user): s = SchemaClass() data = s.dump(user) assert data["name"] == assert math.isclose(data["age"], 42.3) assert data["registered"] def test_serializer_dump(user): s = UserSchema() result = s.dump(user) assert result["name"] == def test_load_resets_errors(): class MySchema(Schema): email = fields.Email() schema = MySchema() with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: schema.load({"name": "Joe", "email": "notvalid"}) errors = excinfo.value.messages assert len(errors["email"]) == 1 assert "Not a valid email address." in errors["email"][0] with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: schema.load({"name": "Joe", "email": "__invalid"}) errors = excinfo.value.messages assert len(errors["email"]) == 1 assert "Not a valid email address." in errors["email"][0] def test_load_validation_error_stores_input_data_and_valid_data(): class MySchema(Schema): always_valid = fields.DateTime() always_invalid = fields.Raw(validate=[lambda v: False]) schema = MySchema() input_data = { "always_valid":, "always_invalid": 24, } try: schema.load(input_data) except ValidationError as err: # is the raw input data assert == input_data assert "always_valid" in err.valid_data # err.valid_data contains valid, deserialized data assert isinstance(err.valid_data["always_valid"], dt.datetime) # excludes invalid data assert "always_invalid" not in err.valid_data else:"Data is invalid. Expected a ValidationError to be raised.") def test_load_resets_error_fields(): class MySchema(Schema): email = fields.Email() name = fields.Str() schema = MySchema() with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: schema.load({"name": "Joe", "email": "not-valid"}) exc = excinfo.value assert len(exc.messages.keys()) == 1 with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: schema.load({"name": 12, "email": ""}) exc = excinfo.value def test_errored_fields_do_not_appear_in_output(): class MyField(fields.Field): # Make sure validation fails during serialization def _serialize(self, val, attr, obj): raise ValidationError("oops") class MySchema(Schema): foo = MyField(validate=lambda x: False) sch = MySchema() with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: sch.load({"foo": 2}) data, errors = excinfo.value.valid_data, excinfo.value.messages assert "foo" in errors assert "foo" not in data def test_load_many_stores_error_indices(): s = UserSchema() data = [ {"name": "Mick", "email": ""}, {"name": "Keith", "email": "invalid-email", "homepage": "invalid-homepage"}, ] with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: s.load(data, many=True) errors = excinfo.value.messages assert 0 not in errors assert 1 in errors assert "email" in errors[1] assert "homepage" in errors[1] def test_dump_many(): s = UserSchema() u1, u2 = User("Mick"), User("Keith") data = s.dump([u1, u2], many=True) assert len(data) == 2 assert data[0] == s.dump(u1) @pytest.mark.parametrize("value", [[], {}, [1], {1: 1}]) def test_boolean_can_dump_unhashable(value): class MySchema(Schema): has_items = fields.Boolean() schema = MySchema() data = schema.dump({"has_items": value}) assert data["has_items"] is bool(value) def test_multiple_errors_can_be_stored_for_a_given_index(): class MySchema(Schema): foo = fields.Str(validate=lambda x: len(x) > 3) bar = fields.Int(validate=lambda x: x > 3) sch = MySchema() valid = {"foo": "loll", "bar": 42} invalid = {"foo": "lol", "bar": 3} errors = sch.validate([valid, invalid], many=True) assert 1 in errors assert len(errors[1]) == 2 assert "foo" in errors[1] assert "bar" in errors[1] def test_dump_returns_a_dict(user): s = UserSchema() result = s.dump(user) assert type(result) is dict def test_dumps_returns_a_string(user): s = UserSchema() result = s.dumps(user) assert type(result) is str def test_dumping_single_object_with_collection_schema(user): s = UserSchema(many=True) result = s.dump(user, many=False) assert type(result) is dict assert result == UserSchema().dump(user) def test_loading_single_object_with_collection_schema(): s = UserSchema(many=True) in_data = {"name": "Mick", "email": ""} result = s.load(in_data, many=False) assert type(result) is User assert == UserSchema().load(in_data).name def test_dumps_many(): s = UserSchema() u1, u2 = User("Mick"), User("Keith") json_result = s.dumps([u1, u2], many=True) data = json.loads(json_result) assert len(data) == 2 assert data[0] == s.dump(u1) def test_load_returns_an_object(): s = UserSchema() result = s.load({"name": "Monty"}) assert type(result) is User def test_load_many(): s = UserSchema() in_data = [{"name": "Mick"}, {"name": "Keith"}] result = s.load(in_data, many=True) assert type(result) is list assert type(result[0]) is User assert result[0].name == "Mick" @pytest.mark.parametrize("val", (None, False, 1, 1.2, object(), [], set(), "lol")) def test_load_invalid_input_type(val): class Sch(Schema): name = fields.Str() with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as e: Sch().load(val) assert e.value.messages == {"_schema": ["Invalid input type."]} assert e.value.valid_data == {} # regression test for @pytest.mark.parametrize("val", (None, False, 1, 1.2, object(), {}, {"1": 2}, "lol")) def test_load_many_invalid_input_type(val): class Sch(Schema): name = fields.Str() with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as e: Sch(many=True).load(val) assert e.value.messages == {"_schema": ["Invalid input type."]} assert e.value.valid_data == [] @pytest.mark.parametrize("val", ([], set())) def test_load_many_empty_collection(val): class Sch(Schema): name = fields.Str() assert Sch(many=True).load(val) == [] @pytest.mark.parametrize("val", (False, 1, 1.2, object(), {}, {"1": 2}, "lol")) def test_load_many_in_nested_invalid_input_type(val): class Inner(Schema): name = fields.String() class Outer(Schema): list1 = fields.List(fields.Nested(Inner)) list2 = fields.Nested(Inner, many=True) with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as e: Outer().load({"list1": val, "list2": val}) # TODO: Error messages should be identical (#779) assert e.value.messages == { "list1": ["Not a valid list."], "list2": ["Invalid type."], } @pytest.mark.parametrize("val", ([], set())) def test_load_many_in_nested_empty_collection(val): class Inner(Schema): name = fields.String() class Outer(Schema): list1 = fields.List(fields.Nested(Inner)) list2 = fields.Nested(Inner, many=True) assert Outer().load({"list1": val, "list2": val}) == {"list1": [], "list2": []} def test_loads_returns_a_user(): s = UserSchema() result = s.loads(json.dumps({"name": "Monty"})) assert type(result) is User def test_loads_many(): s = UserSchema() in_data = [{"name": "Mick"}, {"name": "Keith"}] in_json_data = json.dumps(in_data) result = s.loads(in_json_data, many=True) assert type(result) is list assert result[0].name == "Mick" def test_loads_deserializes_from_json(): user_dict = {"name": "Monty", "age": "42.3"} user_json = json.dumps(user_dict) result = UserSchema().loads(user_json) assert isinstance(result, User) assert == "Monty" assert math.isclose(result.age, 42.3) def test_serializing_none(): class MySchema(Schema): id = fields.Str(dump_default="no-id") num = fields.Int() name = fields.Str() data = UserSchema().dump(None) assert data == {"id": "no-id"} def test_default_many_symmetry(): """The dump/load(s) methods should all default to the many value of the schema.""" s_many = UserSchema(many=True, only=("name",)) s_single = UserSchema(only=("name",)) u1, u2 = User("King Arthur"), User("Sir Lancelot") s_single.load(s_single.dump(u1)) s_single.loads(s_single.dumps(u1)) s_many.load(s_many.dump([u1, u2])) s_many.loads(s_many.dumps([u1, u2])) def test_on_bind_field_hook(): class MySchema(Schema): foo = fields.Str() def on_bind_field(self, field_name, field_obj): assert field_obj.parent is self field_obj.metadata["fname"] = field_name schema = MySchema() assert schema.fields["foo"].metadata["fname"] == "foo" def test_nested_on_bind_field_hook(): class MySchema(Schema): class NestedSchema(Schema): bar = fields.Str() def on_bind_field(self, field_name, field_obj): field_obj.metadata["fname"] = self.context["fname"] foo = fields.Nested(NestedSchema) with pytest.warns(RemovedInMarshmallow4Warning): schema1 = MySchema(context={"fname": "foobar"}) schema2 = MySchema(context={"fname": "quxquux"}) assert schema1.fields["foo"].schema.fields["bar"].metadata["fname"] == "foobar" assert schema2.fields["foo"].schema.fields["bar"].metadata["fname"] == "quxquux" class TestValidate: def test_validate_raises_with_errors_dict(self): s = UserSchema() errors = s.validate({"email": "bad-email", "name": "Valid Name"}) assert type(errors) is dict assert "email" in errors assert "name" not in errors valid_data = {"name": "Valid Name", "email": ""} errors = s.validate(valid_data) assert errors == {} def test_validate_many(self): s = UserSchema(many=True) in_data = [ {"name": "Valid Name", "email": ""}, {"name": "Valid Name2", "email": "invalid"}, ] errors = s.validate(in_data, many=True) assert 1 in errors assert "email" in errors[1] def test_validate_many_doesnt_store_index_if_index_errors_option_is_false(self): class NoIndex(Schema): email = fields.Email() class Meta: index_errors = False s = NoIndex() in_data = [ {"name": "Valid Name", "email": ""}, {"name": "Valid Name2", "email": "invalid"}, ] errors = s.validate(in_data, many=True) assert 1 not in errors assert "email" in errors def test_validate(self): s = UserSchema() errors = s.validate({"email": "bad-email"}) assert errors == {"email": ["Not a valid email address."]} def test_validate_required(self): class MySchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw(required=True) s = MySchema() errors = s.validate({"bar": 42}) assert "foo" in errors assert "required" in errors["foo"][0] @pytest.mark.parametrize("SchemaClass", [UserSchema, UserMetaSchema]) def test_fields_are_not_copies(SchemaClass): s = SchemaClass() s2 = SchemaClass() assert s.fields is not s2.fields def test_dumps_returns_json(user): ser = UserSchema() serialized = ser.dump(user) json_data = ser.dumps(user) assert type(json_data) is str expected = json.dumps(serialized) assert json_data == expected def test_naive_datetime_field(user, serialized_user): expected = utils.isoformat(user.created) assert serialized_user["created"] == expected def test_datetime_formatted_field(user, serialized_user): result = serialized_user["created_formatted"] assert result == user.created.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") def test_datetime_iso_field(user, serialized_user): assert serialized_user["created_iso"] == utils.isoformat(user.created) def test_tz_datetime_field(user, serialized_user): # Datetime is corrected back to GMT expected = utils.isoformat(user.updated) assert serialized_user["updated"] == expected def test_class_variable(serialized_user): assert serialized_user["species"] == "Homo sapiens" @pytest.mark.parametrize("SchemaClass", [UserSchema, UserMetaSchema]) def test_serialize_many(SchemaClass): user1 = User(name="Mick", age=123) user2 = User(name="Keith", age=456) users = [user1, user2] serialized = SchemaClass(many=True).dump(users) assert len(serialized) == 2 assert serialized[0]["name"] == "Mick" assert serialized[1]["name"] == "Keith" def test_inheriting_schema(user): sch = ExtendedUserSchema() result = sch.dump(user) assert result["name"] == user.is_old = True result = sch.dump(user) assert result["is_old"] is True def test_custom_field(serialized_user, user): assert serialized_user["uppername"] == def test_url_field(serialized_user, user): assert serialized_user["homepage"] == user.homepage def test_relative_url_field(): u = {"name": "John", "homepage": "/foo"} UserRelativeUrlSchema().load(u) @pytest.mark.parametrize("SchemaClass", [UserSchema, UserMetaSchema]) def test_stores_invalid_url_error(SchemaClass): user = {"name": "Steve", "homepage": ""} with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: SchemaClass().load(user) errors = excinfo.value.messages assert "homepage" in errors expected = ["Not a valid URL."] assert errors["homepage"] == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("SchemaClass", [UserSchema, UserMetaSchema]) def test_email_field(SchemaClass): u = User("John", email="") s = SchemaClass().dump(u) assert s["email"] == "" def test_stored_invalid_email(): u = {"name": "John", "email": ""} with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: UserSchema().load(u) errors = excinfo.value.messages assert "email" in errors assert errors["email"][0] == "Not a valid email address." def test_integer_field(): u = User("John", age=42.3) serialized = UserIntSchema().dump(u) assert type(serialized["age"]) is int assert serialized["age"] == 42 def test_as_string(): u = User("John", age=42.3) serialized = UserFloatStringSchema().dump(u) assert type(serialized["age"]) is str assert math.isclose(float(serialized["age"]), 42.3) @pytest.mark.parametrize("SchemaClass", [UserSchema, UserMetaSchema]) def test_method_field(SchemaClass, serialized_user): assert serialized_user["is_old"] is False u = User("Joe", age=81) assert SchemaClass().dump(u)["is_old"] is True def test_function_field(serialized_user, user): assert serialized_user["lowername"] == def test_fields_must_be_declared_as_instances(user): class BadUserSchema(Schema): name = fields.String with pytest.raises( TypeError, match='Field for "name" must be declared as a Field instance' ): BadUserSchema().dump(user) # regression test def test_bind_field_does_not_swallow_typeerror(): class MySchema(Schema): name = fields.Str() def on_bind_field(self, field_name, field_obj): raise TypeError("boom") with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="boom"): MySchema() @pytest.mark.parametrize("SchemaClass", [UserSchema, UserMetaSchema]) def test_serializing_generator(SchemaClass): users = [User("Foo"), User("Bar")] user_gen = (u for u in users) s = SchemaClass(many=True).dump(user_gen) assert len(s) == 2 assert s[0] == SchemaClass().dump(users[0]) def test_serializing_empty_list_returns_empty_list(): assert UserSchema(many=True).dump([]) == [] assert UserMetaSchema(many=True).dump([]) == [] def test_serializing_dict(): user = { "name": "foo", "email": "", "age": 42, "various_data": {"foo": "bar"}, } data = UserSchema().dump(user) assert data["name"] == "foo" assert data["age"] == 42 assert data["various_data"] == {"foo": "bar"} def test_serializing_dict_with_meta_fields(): class MySchema(Schema): class Meta: fields = ("foo", "bar") sch = MySchema() data = sch.dump({"foo": 42, "bar": 24, "baz": 424}) assert data["foo"] == 42 assert data["bar"] == 24 assert "baz" not in data @pytest.mark.parametrize("SchemaClass", [UserSchema, UserMetaSchema]) def test_exclude_in_init(SchemaClass, user): s = SchemaClass(exclude=("age", "homepage")).dump(user) assert "homepage" not in s assert "age" not in s assert "name" in s @pytest.mark.parametrize("SchemaClass", [UserSchema, UserMetaSchema]) def test_only_in_init(SchemaClass, user): s = SchemaClass(only=("name", "age")).dump(user) assert "homepage" not in s assert "name" in s assert "age" in s def test_invalid_only_param(user): with pytest.raises(ValueError): UserSchema(only=("_invalid", "name")).dump(user) def test_can_serialize_uuid(serialized_user, user): assert serialized_user["uid"] == str(user.uid) def test_can_serialize_time(user, serialized_user): expected = user.time_registered.isoformat()[:15] assert serialized_user["time_registered"] == expected def test_json_module_is_deprecated(): with pytest.deprecated_call(): class UserJSONSchema(Schema): name = fields.String() class Meta: json_module = mockjson user = User("Joe") s = UserJSONSchema() result = s.dumps(user) assert result == mockjson.dumps("val") def test_render_module(): class UserJSONSchema(Schema): name = fields.String() class Meta: render_module = mockjson user = User("Joe") s = UserJSONSchema() result = s.dumps(user) assert result == mockjson.dumps("val") def test_custom_error_message(): class ErrorSchema(Schema): email = fields.Email(error_messages={"invalid": "Invalid email"}) homepage = fields.Url(error_messages={"invalid": "Bad homepage."}) balance = fields.Decimal(error_messages={"invalid": "Bad balance."}) u = {"email": "", "homepage": "", "balance": "blah"} s = ErrorSchema() with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: s.load(u) errors = excinfo.value.messages assert "Bad balance." in errors["balance"] assert "Bad homepage." in errors["homepage"] assert "Invalid email" in errors["email"] def test_custom_unknown_error_message(): custom_message = "custom error message." class ErrorSchema(Schema): error_messages = {"unknown": custom_message} name = fields.String() s = ErrorSchema() u = {"name": "Joe", "age": 13} with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: s.load(u) errors = excinfo.value.messages assert custom_message in errors["age"] def test_custom_type_error_message(): custom_message = "custom error message." class ErrorSchema(Schema): error_messages = {"type": custom_message} name = fields.String() s = ErrorSchema() u = ["Joe"] with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: s.load(u) errors = excinfo.value.messages assert custom_message in errors["_schema"] def test_custom_type_error_message_with_many(): custom_message = "custom error message." class ErrorSchema(Schema): error_messages = {"type": custom_message} name = fields.String() s = ErrorSchema(many=True) u = {"name": "Joe"} with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: s.load(u) errors = excinfo.value.messages assert custom_message in errors["_schema"] def test_custom_error_messages_with_inheritance(): parent_type_message = "parent type error message." parent_unknown_message = "parent unknown error message." child_type_message = "child type error message." class ParentSchema(Schema): error_messages = { "type": parent_type_message, "unknown": parent_unknown_message, } name = fields.String() class ChildSchema(ParentSchema): error_messages = {"type": child_type_message} unknown_user = {"name": "Eleven", "age": 12} type_user = 11 parent_schema = ParentSchema() with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: parent_schema.load(unknown_user) assert parent_unknown_message in excinfo.value.messages["age"] with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: parent_schema.load(type_user) assert parent_type_message in excinfo.value.messages["_schema"] child_schema = ChildSchema() with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: child_schema.load(unknown_user) assert parent_unknown_message in excinfo.value.messages["age"] with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: child_schema.load(type_user) assert child_type_message in excinfo.value.messages["_schema"] def test_load_errors_with_many(): class ErrorSchema(Schema): email = fields.Email() data = [ {"email": "bademail"}, {"email": ""}, {"email": "anotherbademail"}, ] with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: ErrorSchema(many=True).load(data) errors = excinfo.value.messages assert 0 in errors assert 2 in errors assert "Not a valid email address." in errors[0]["email"][0] assert "Not a valid email address." in errors[2]["email"][0] def test_error_raised_if_fields_option_is_not_list(): with pytest.raises(ValueError): class BadSchema(Schema): name = fields.String() class Meta: fields = "name" def test_error_raised_if_additional_option_is_not_list(): with pytest.raises(ValueError): class BadSchema(Schema): name = fields.String() class Meta: additional = "email" def test_nested_custom_set_in_exclude_reusing_schema(): class CustomSet: # This custom set is to allow the obj check in BaseSchema.__filter_fields # to pass, since it'll be a valid instance, and this class overrides # getitem method to allow the hasattr check to pass too, which will try # to access the first obj index and will simulate a IndexError throwing. # e.g. SqlAlchemy.Query is a valid use case for this 'obj'. def __getitem__(self, item): return [][item] class ChildSchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw(required=True) bar = fields.Raw() class Meta: only = ("bar",) class ParentSchema(Schema): child = fields.Nested(ChildSchema, many=True, exclude=("foo",)) sch = ParentSchema() obj = dict(child=CustomSet()) sch.dumps(obj) data = dict(child=[{"bar": 1}]) sch.load(data, partial=True) def test_nested_only(): class ChildSchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() bar = fields.Raw() baz = fields.Raw() class ParentSchema(Schema): bla = fields.Raw() bli = fields.Raw() blubb = fields.Nested(ChildSchema) sch = ParentSchema(only=("bla", "", "")) data = dict(bla=1, bli=2, blubb=dict(foo=42, bar=24, baz=242)) result = sch.dump(data) assert "bla" in result assert "blubb" in result assert "bli" not in result child = result["blubb"] assert "foo" in child assert "bar" in child assert "baz" not in child def test_nested_only_inheritance(): class ChildSchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() bar = fields.Raw() baz = fields.Raw() class ParentSchema(Schema): bla = fields.Raw() bli = fields.Raw() blubb = fields.Nested(ChildSchema, only=("foo", "bar")) sch = ParentSchema(only=("", "blubb.baz")) data = dict(bla=1, bli=2, blubb=dict(foo=42, bar=24, baz=242)) result = sch.dump(data) assert "bla" not in result assert "blubb" in result assert "bli" not in result child = result["blubb"] assert "foo" in child assert "bar" not in child assert "baz" not in child def test_nested_only_empty_inheritance(): class ChildSchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() bar = fields.Raw() baz = fields.Raw() class ParentSchema(Schema): bla = fields.Raw() bli = fields.Raw() blubb = fields.Nested(ChildSchema, only=("bar",)) sch = ParentSchema(only=("",)) data = dict(bla=1, bli=2, blubb=dict(foo=42, bar=24, baz=242)) result = sch.dump(data) assert "bla" not in result assert "blubb" in result assert "bli" not in result child = result["blubb"] assert "foo" not in child assert "bar" not in child assert "baz" not in child def test_nested_exclude(): class ChildSchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() bar = fields.Raw() baz = fields.Raw() class ParentSchema(Schema): bla = fields.Raw() bli = fields.Raw() blubb = fields.Nested(ChildSchema) sch = ParentSchema(exclude=("bli", "blubb.baz")) data = dict(bla=1, bli=2, blubb=dict(foo=42, bar=24, baz=242)) result = sch.dump(data) assert "bla" in result assert "blubb" in result assert "bli" not in result child = result["blubb"] assert "foo" in child assert "bar" in child assert "baz" not in child def test_nested_exclude_inheritance(): class ChildSchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() bar = fields.Raw() baz = fields.Raw() class ParentSchema(Schema): bla = fields.Raw() bli = fields.Raw() blubb = fields.Nested(ChildSchema, exclude=("baz",)) sch = ParentSchema(exclude=("",)) data = dict(bla=1, bli=2, blubb=dict(foo=42, bar=24, baz=242)) result = sch.dump(data) assert "bla" in result assert "blubb" in result assert "bli" in result child = result["blubb"] assert "foo" not in child assert "bar" in child assert "baz" not in child def test_nested_only_and_exclude(): class ChildSchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() bar = fields.Raw() baz = fields.Raw() class ParentSchema(Schema): bla = fields.Raw() bli = fields.Raw() blubb = fields.Nested(ChildSchema) sch = ParentSchema(only=("bla", "", ""), exclude=("",)) data = dict(bla=1, bli=2, blubb=dict(foo=42, bar=24, baz=242)) result = sch.dump(data) assert "bla" in result assert "blubb" in result assert "bli" not in result child = result["blubb"] assert "foo" not in child assert "bar" in child assert "baz" not in child def test_nested_only_then_exclude_inheritance(): class ChildSchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() bar = fields.Raw() baz = fields.Raw() class ParentSchema(Schema): bla = fields.Raw() bli = fields.Raw() blubb = fields.Nested(ChildSchema, only=("foo", "bar")) sch = ParentSchema(exclude=("",)) data = dict(bla=1, bli=2, blubb=dict(foo=42, bar=24, baz=242)) result = sch.dump(data) assert "bla" in result assert "blubb" in result assert "bli" in result child = result["blubb"] assert "foo" not in child assert "bar" in child assert "baz" not in child def test_nested_exclude_then_only_inheritance(): class ChildSchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() bar = fields.Raw() baz = fields.Raw() class ParentSchema(Schema): bla = fields.Raw() bli = fields.Raw() blubb = fields.Nested(ChildSchema, exclude=("foo",)) sch = ParentSchema(only=("",)) data = dict(bla=1, bli=2, blubb=dict(foo=42, bar=24, baz=242)) result = sch.dump(data) assert "bla" not in result assert "blubb" in result assert "bli" not in result child = result["blubb"] assert "foo" not in child assert "bar" in child assert "baz" not in child def test_nested_exclude_and_only_inheritance(): class ChildSchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() bar = fields.Raw() baz = fields.Raw() ban = fields.Raw() fuu = fields.Raw() class ParentSchema(Schema): bla = fields.Raw() bli = fields.Raw() blubb = fields.Nested( ChildSchema, only=("foo", "bar", "baz", "ban"), exclude=("foo",) ) sch = ParentSchema( only=("", "", "blubb.baz"), exclude=("blubb.baz",) ) data = dict(bla=1, bli=2, blubb=dict(foo=42, bar=24, baz=242)) result = sch.dump(data) assert "bla" not in result assert "blubb" in result assert "bli" not in result child = result["blubb"] assert "foo" not in child assert "bar" in child assert "baz" not in child assert "ban" not in child assert "fuu" not in child # def test_nested_instance_many(): class BookSchema(Schema): id = fields.Int() title = fields.String() class UserSchema(Schema): id = fields.Int() name = fields.String() books = fields.Nested(BookSchema(many=True)) books = [{"id": 1, "title": "First book"}, {"id": 2, "title": "Second book"}] user = {"id": 1, "name": "Peter", "books": books} user_dump = UserSchema().dump(user) assert user_dump["books"] == books user_load = UserSchema().load(user_dump) assert user_load == user def test_nested_instance_only(): class ArtistSchema(Schema): first = fields.Str() last = fields.Str() class AlbumSchema(Schema): title = fields.Str() artist = fields.Nested(ArtistSchema(), only=("last",)) schema = AlbumSchema() album = {"title": "Hunky Dory", "artist": {"last": "Bowie"}} loaded = schema.load(album) assert loaded == album full_album = {"title": "Hunky Dory", "artist": {"first": "David", "last": "Bowie"}} assert schema.dump(full_album) == album def test_nested_instance_exclude(): class ArtistSchema(Schema): first = fields.Str() last = fields.Str() class AlbumSchema(Schema): title = fields.Str() artist = fields.Nested(ArtistSchema(), exclude=("first",)) schema = AlbumSchema() album = {"title": "Hunky Dory", "artist": {"last": "Bowie"}} loaded = schema.load(album) assert loaded == album full_album = {"title": "Hunky Dory", "artist": {"first": "David", "last": "Bowie"}} assert schema.dump(full_album) == album def test_meta_nested_exclude(): class ChildSchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() bar = fields.Raw() baz = fields.Raw() class ParentSchema(Schema): bla = fields.Raw() bli = fields.Raw() blubb = fields.Nested(ChildSchema) class Meta: exclude = ("",) data = dict(bla=1, bli=2, blubb=dict(foo=42, bar=24, baz=242)) sch = ParentSchema() result = sch.dump(data) assert "bla" in result assert "blubb" in result assert "bli" in result child = result["blubb"] assert "foo" not in child assert "bar" in child assert "baz" in child # Test fields with dot notations in Meta.exclude on multiple instantiations # Regression test for sch = ParentSchema() result = sch.dump(data) assert "bla" in result assert "blubb" in result assert "bli" in result child = result["blubb"] assert "foo" not in child assert "bar" in child assert "baz" in child def test_nested_custom_set_not_implementing_getitem(): # This test checks that marshmallow can serialize implementations of # :mod:``, with ``__getitem__`` arguments # that are not integers. class ListLikeParent: """ Implements a list-like object that can get children using a non-integer key """ def __init__(self, required_key, child): """ :param required_key: The key to use in ``__getitem__`` in order to successfully get the ``child`` :param child: The return value of the ``child`` if ``__getitem__`` succeeds """ self.children = {required_key: child} class Child: """ Implements an object with some attribute """ def __init__(self, attribute): """ :param str attribute: The attribute to initialize """ self.attribute = attribute class ChildSchema(Schema): """ The marshmallow schema for the child """ attribute = fields.Str() class ParentSchema(Schema): """ The schema for the parent """ children = fields.Nested(ChildSchema, many=True) attribute = "Foo" required_key = "key" child = Child(attribute) parent = ListLikeParent(required_key, child) ParentSchema().dump(parent) def test_deeply_nested_only_and_exclude(): class GrandChildSchema(Schema): goo = fields.Raw() gah = fields.Raw() bah = fields.Raw() class ChildSchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() bar = fields.Raw() flubb = fields.Nested(GrandChildSchema) class ParentSchema(Schema): bla = fields.Raw() bli = fields.Raw() blubb = fields.Nested(ChildSchema) sch = ParentSchema( only=("bla", "", "", "blubb.flubb.gah"), exclude=("",), ) data = dict(bla=1, bli=2, blubb=dict(foo=3, bar=4, flubb=dict(goo=5, gah=6, bah=7))) result = sch.dump(data) assert "bla" in result assert "blubb" in result assert "bli" not in result child = result["blubb"] assert "foo" in child assert "flubb" in child assert "bar" not in child grand_child = child["flubb"] assert "gah" in grand_child assert "goo" not in grand_child assert "bah" not in grand_child def test_nested_lambda(): class ChildSchema(Schema): id = fields.Str() name = fields.Str() parent = fields.Nested(lambda: ParentSchema(only=("id",)), dump_only=True) siblings = fields.List(fields.Nested(lambda: ChildSchema(only=("id", "name")))) class ParentSchema(Schema): id = fields.Str() spouse = fields.Nested(lambda: ParentSchema(only=("id",))) children = fields.List( fields.Nested(lambda: ChildSchema(only=("id", "parent", "siblings"))) ) sch = ParentSchema() data_to_load = { "id": "p1", "spouse": {"id": "p2"}, "children": [{"id": "c1", "siblings": [{"id": "c2", "name": "sis"}]}], } loaded = sch.load(data_to_load) assert loaded == data_to_load data_to_dump = dict( id="p2", spouse=dict(id="p2"), children=[ dict( id="c1", name="bar", parent=dict(id="p2"), siblings=[dict(id="c2", name="sis")], ) ], ) dumped = sch.dump(data_to_dump) assert dumped == { "id": "p2", "spouse": {"id": "p2"}, "children": [ { "id": "c1", "parent": {"id": "p2"}, "siblings": [{"id": "c2", "name": "sis"}], } ], } @pytest.mark.parametrize("data_key", ("f1", "f5", None)) def test_data_key_collision(data_key): class MySchema(Schema): f1 = fields.Raw() f2 = fields.Raw(data_key=data_key) f3 = fields.Raw(data_key="f5") f4 = fields.Raw(data_key="f1", load_only=True) if data_key is None: MySchema() else: with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=data_key): MySchema() @pytest.mark.parametrize("attribute", ("f1", "f5", None)) def test_attribute_collision(attribute): class MySchema(Schema): f1 = fields.Raw() f2 = fields.Raw(attribute=attribute) f3 = fields.Raw(attribute="f5") f4 = fields.Raw(attribute="f1", dump_only=True) if attribute is None: MySchema() else: with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=attribute): MySchema() class TestDeeplyNestedLoadOnly: @pytest.fixture() def schema(self): class GrandChildSchema(Schema): str_dump_only = fields.String() str_load_only = fields.String() str_regular = fields.String() class ChildSchema(Schema): str_dump_only = fields.String() str_load_only = fields.String() str_regular = fields.String() grand_child = fields.Nested(GrandChildSchema, unknown=EXCLUDE) class ParentSchema(Schema): str_dump_only = fields.String() str_load_only = fields.String() str_regular = fields.String() child = fields.Nested(ChildSchema, unknown=EXCLUDE) return ParentSchema( dump_only=( "str_dump_only", "child.str_dump_only", "child.grand_child.str_dump_only", ), load_only=( "str_load_only", "child.str_load_only", "child.grand_child.str_load_only", ), ) @pytest.fixture() def data(self): return dict( str_dump_only="Dump Only", str_load_only="Load Only", str_regular="Regular String", child=dict( str_dump_only="Dump Only", str_load_only="Load Only", str_regular="Regular String", grand_child=dict( str_dump_only="Dump Only", str_load_only="Load Only", str_regular="Regular String", ), ), ) def test_load_only(self, schema, data): result = schema.dump(data) assert "str_load_only" not in result assert "str_dump_only" in result assert "str_regular" in result child = result["child"] assert "str_load_only" not in child assert "str_dump_only" in child assert "str_regular" in child grand_child = child["grand_child"] assert "str_load_only" not in grand_child assert "str_dump_only" in grand_child assert "str_regular" in grand_child def test_dump_only(self, schema, data): result = schema.load(data, unknown=EXCLUDE) assert "str_dump_only" not in result assert "str_load_only" in result assert "str_regular" in result child = result["child"] assert "str_dump_only" not in child assert "str_load_only" in child assert "str_regular" in child grand_child = child["grand_child"] assert "str_dump_only" not in grand_child assert "str_load_only" in grand_child assert "str_regular" in grand_child class TestDeeplyNestedListLoadOnly: @pytest.fixture() def schema(self): class ChildSchema(Schema): str_dump_only = fields.String() str_load_only = fields.String() str_regular = fields.String() class ParentSchema(Schema): str_dump_only = fields.String() str_load_only = fields.String() str_regular = fields.String() child = fields.List(fields.Nested(ChildSchema, unknown=EXCLUDE)) return ParentSchema( dump_only=("str_dump_only", "child.str_dump_only"), load_only=("str_load_only", "child.str_load_only"), ) @pytest.fixture() def data(self): return dict( str_dump_only="Dump Only", str_load_only="Load Only", str_regular="Regular String", child=[ dict( str_dump_only="Dump Only", str_load_only="Load Only", str_regular="Regular String", ) ], ) def test_load_only(self, schema, data): result = schema.dump(data) assert "str_load_only" not in result assert "str_dump_only" in result assert "str_regular" in result child = result["child"][0] assert "str_load_only" not in child assert "str_dump_only" in child assert "str_regular" in child def test_dump_only(self, schema, data): result = schema.load(data, unknown=EXCLUDE) assert "str_dump_only" not in result assert "str_load_only" in result assert "str_regular" in result child = result["child"][0] assert "str_dump_only" not in child assert "str_load_only" in child assert "str_regular" in child def test_nested_constructor_only_and_exclude(): class GrandChildSchema(Schema): goo = fields.Raw() gah = fields.Raw() bah = fields.Raw() class ChildSchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() bar = fields.Raw() flubb = fields.Nested(GrandChildSchema) class ParentSchema(Schema): bla = fields.Raw() bli = fields.Raw() blubb = fields.Nested( ChildSchema, only=("foo", "", "flubb.gah"), exclude=("",) ) sch = ParentSchema(only=("bla", "blubb")) data = dict(bla=1, bli=2, blubb=dict(foo=3, bar=4, flubb=dict(goo=5, gah=6, bah=7))) result = sch.dump(data) assert "bla" in result assert "blubb" in result assert "bli" not in result child = result["blubb"] assert "foo" in child assert "flubb" in child assert "bar" not in child grand_child = child["flubb"] assert "gah" in grand_child assert "goo" not in grand_child assert "bah" not in grand_child def test_only_and_exclude(): class MySchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() bar = fields.Raw() baz = fields.Raw() sch = MySchema(only=("foo", "bar"), exclude=("bar",)) data = dict(foo=42, bar=24, baz=242) result = sch.dump(data) assert "foo" in result assert "bar" not in result def test_only_and_exclude_with_fields(): class MySchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() class Meta: fields = ("bar", "baz") sch = MySchema(only=("bar", "baz"), exclude=("bar",)) data = dict(foo=42, bar=24, baz=242) result = sch.dump(data) assert "baz" in result assert "bar" not in result def test_invalid_only_and_exclude_with_fields(): class MySchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() class Meta: fields = ("bar", "baz") with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: MySchema(only=("foo", "par"), exclude=("ban",)) assert "foo" in str(excinfo.value) assert "par" in str(excinfo.value) assert "ban" in str(excinfo.value) def test_only_and_exclude_with_additional(): class MySchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() class Meta: additional = ("bar", "baz") sch = MySchema(only=("foo", "bar"), exclude=("bar",)) data = dict(foo=42, bar=24, baz=242) result = sch.dump(data) assert "foo" in result assert "bar" not in result def test_invalid_only_and_exclude_with_additional(): class MySchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() class Meta: additional = ("bar", "baz") with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: MySchema(only=("foop", "par"), exclude=("ban",)) assert "foop" in str(excinfo.value) assert "par" in str(excinfo.value) assert "ban" in str(excinfo.value) def test_exclude_invalid_attribute(): class MySchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="'bar'"): MySchema(exclude=("bar",)) def test_only_bounded_by_fields(): class MySchema(Schema): class Meta: fields = ("foo",) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="'baz'"): MySchema(only=("baz",)) def test_only_bounded_by_additional(): class MySchema(Schema): class Meta: additional = ("b",) with pytest.raises(ValueError): MySchema(only=("c",)).dump({"c": 3}) def test_only_empty(): class MySchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() sch = MySchema(only=()) assert "foo" not in sch.dump({"foo": "bar"}) @pytest.mark.parametrize("param", ("only", "exclude")) def test_only_and_exclude_as_string(param): class MySchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() with pytest.raises(StringNotCollectionError): MySchema(**{param: "foo"}) def test_nested_with_sets(): class Inner(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() class Outer(Schema): inners = fields.Nested(Inner, many=True) sch = Outer() DataClass = namedtuple("DataClass", ["foo"]) data = dict(inners={DataClass(42), DataClass(2)}) result = sch.dump(data) assert len(result["inners"]) == 2 def test_meta_serializer_fields(): u = User("John", age=42.3, email="", homepage="") result = UserMetaSchema().dump(u) assert result["name"] == assert result["balance"] == decimal.Decimal("100.00") assert result["uppername"] == "JOHN" assert result["is_old"] is False assert result["created"] == utils.isoformat(u.created) assert result["finger_count"] == 10 assert result["various_data"] == dict(u.various_data) def test_meta_fields_mapping(user): s = UserMetaSchema() s.dump(user) # need to call dump to update fields assert type(s.fields["balance"]) is fields.Decimal # Inferred fields assert type(s.fields["name"]._field_cache[fields.String]) is fields.String assert type(s.fields["created"]._field_cache[fields.DateTime]) is fields.DateTime assert type(s.fields["updated"]._field_cache[fields.DateTime]) is fields.DateTime assert type(s.fields["age"]._field_cache[fields.Float]) is fields.Float assert type(s.fields["registered"]._field_cache[fields.Boolean]) is fields.Boolean assert type(s.fields["sex_choices"]._field_cache[fields.Raw]) is fields.Raw assert type(s.fields["hair_colors"]._field_cache[fields.Raw]) is fields.Raw assert type(s.fields["finger_count"]._field_cache[fields.Integer]) is fields.Integer assert type(s.fields["uid"]._field_cache[fields.UUID]) is fields.UUID assert type(s.fields["time_registered"]._field_cache[fields.Time]) is fields.Time assert type(s.fields["birthdate"]._field_cache[fields.Date]) is fields.Date assert ( type(s.fields["since_created"]._field_cache[fields.TimeDelta]) is fields.TimeDelta ) def test_meta_field_not_on_obj_raises_attribute_error(user): class BadUserSchema(Schema): class Meta: fields = ("name",) exclude = ("notfound",) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="'notfound'"): BadUserSchema().dump(user) def test_exclude_fields(user): s = UserExcludeSchema().dump(user) assert "created" not in s assert "updated" not in s assert "name" in s def test_fields_option_must_be_list_or_tuple(): with pytest.raises(ValueError): class BadFields(Schema): class Meta: fields = "name" def test_exclude_option_must_be_list_or_tuple(): with pytest.raises(ValueError): class BadExclude(Schema): class Meta: exclude = "name" def test_datetimeformat_option(user): meta_fmt = "%Y-%m" field_fmt = "%m-%d" class DateTimeFormatSchema(Schema): updated = fields.DateTime(field_fmt) class Meta: fields = ("created", "updated") datetimeformat = meta_fmt serialized = DateTimeFormatSchema().dump(user) assert serialized["created"] == user.created.strftime(meta_fmt) assert serialized["updated"] == user.updated.strftime(field_fmt) def test_dateformat_option(user): fmt = "%Y-%m" field_fmt = "%m-%d" class DateFormatSchema(Schema): birthdate = fields.Date(field_fmt) class Meta: fields = ("birthdate", "activation_date") dateformat = fmt serialized = DateFormatSchema().dump(user) assert serialized["birthdate"] == user.birthdate.strftime(field_fmt) assert serialized["activation_date"] == user.activation_date.strftime(fmt) def test_timeformat_option(user): fmt = "%H:%M:%S" field_fmt = "%H:%M" class TimeFormatSchema(Schema): birthtime = fields.Time(field_fmt) class Meta: fields = ("birthtime", "time_registered") timeformat = fmt serialized = TimeFormatSchema().dump(user) assert serialized["birthtime"] == user.birthtime.strftime(field_fmt) assert serialized["time_registered"] == user.time_registered.strftime(fmt) def test_default_dateformat(user): class DateFormatSchema(Schema): updated = fields.DateTime(format="%m-%d") class Meta: fields = ("created", "updated") serialized = DateFormatSchema().dump(user) assert serialized["created"] == utils.isoformat(user.created) assert serialized["updated"] == user.updated.strftime("%m-%d") def test_inherit_meta(user): class InheritedMetaSchema(UserMetaSchema): pass result = InheritedMetaSchema().dump(user) expected = UserMetaSchema().dump(user) assert result == expected def test_inherit_meta_override(): class Parent(Schema): class Meta: fields = ("name", "email") dump_only = ("name",) class Child(Schema): class Meta(Parent.Meta): dump_only = ("name", "email") child = Child() assert child.opts.fields == ("name", "email") assert child.opts.dump_only == ("name", "email") def test_additional(user): s = UserAdditionalSchema().dump(user) assert s["lowername"] == assert s["name"] == def test_cant_set_both_additional_and_fields(user): with pytest.raises(ValueError): class BadSchema(Schema): name = fields.String() class Meta: fields = ("name", "email") additional = ("email", "homepage") def test_serializing_none_meta(): s = UserMetaSchema().dump(None) assert s == {} class CustomError(Exception): pass class MySchema(Schema): name = fields.String() email = fields.Email() age = fields.Integer() def handle_error(self, errors, obj, **kwargs): raise CustomError("Something bad happened") def test_load_with_custom_error_handler(self): in_data = {"email": "invalid"} class MySchema3(Schema): email = fields.Email() def handle_error(self, error, data, **kwargs): assert type(error) is ValidationError assert "email" in error.messages assert list(error.messages.keys()) == ["email"] assert data == in_data raise CustomError("Something bad happened") with pytest.raises(CustomError): MySchema3().load(in_data) def test_load_with_custom_error_handler_and_partially_valid_data(self): in_data = {"email": "invalid", "url": ""} class MySchema(Schema): email = fields.Email() url = fields.URL() def handle_error(self, error, data, **kwargs): assert type(error) is ValidationError assert "email" in error.messages assert list(error.messages.keys()) == ["email"] assert data == in_data raise CustomError("Something bad happened") with pytest.raises(CustomError): MySchema().load(in_data) def test_custom_error_handler_with_validates_decorator(self): in_data = {"num": -1} class MySchema(Schema): num = fields.Int() @validates("num") def validate_num(self, value): if value < 0: raise ValidationError("Must be greater than 0.") def handle_error(self, error, data, **kwargs): assert type(error) is ValidationError assert "num" in error.messages assert list(error.messages.keys()) == ["num"] assert data == in_data raise CustomError("Something bad happened") with pytest.raises(CustomError): MySchema().load(in_data) def test_custom_error_handler_with_validates_schema_decorator(self): in_data = {"num": -1} class MySchema(Schema): num = fields.Int() @validates_schema def validates_schema(self, data, **kwargs): raise ValidationError("Invalid schema!") def handle_error(self, error, data, **kwargs): assert type(error) is ValidationError assert list(error.messages.keys()) == ["_schema"] assert data == in_data raise CustomError("Something bad happened") with pytest.raises(CustomError): MySchema().load(in_data) def test_validate_with_custom_error_handler(self): with pytest.raises(CustomError): MySchema().validate({"age": "notvalid", "email": "invalid"}) class TestFieldValidation: def test_errors_are_cleared_after_loading_collection(self): def always_fail(val): raise ValidationError("lol") class MySchema(Schema): foo = fields.Str(validate=always_fail) schema = MySchema() with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: schema.load([{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "baz"}], many=True) errors = excinfo.value.messages assert len(errors[0]["foo"]) == 1 assert len(errors[1]["foo"]) == 1 with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: schema.load({"foo": "bar"}) errors = excinfo.value.messages assert len(errors["foo"]) == 1 def test_raises_error_with_list(self): def validator(val): raise ValidationError(["err1", "err2"]) class MySchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw(validate=validator) s = MySchema() errors = s.validate({"foo": 42}) assert errors["foo"] == ["err1", "err2"] # def test_raises_error_with_dict(self): def validator(val): raise ValidationError({"code": "invalid_foo"}) class MySchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw(validate=validator) s = MySchema() errors = s.validate({"foo": 42}) assert errors["foo"] == [{"code": "invalid_foo"}] def test_ignored_if_not_in_only(self): class MySchema(Schema): a = fields.Raw() b = fields.Raw() @validates("a") def validate_a(self, val): raise ValidationError({"code": "invalid_a"}) @validates("b") def validate_b(self, val): raise ValidationError({"code": "invalid_b"}) s = MySchema(only=("b",)) errors = s.validate({"b": "data"}) assert errors == {"b": {"code": "invalid_b"}} def test_schema_repr(): class MySchema(Schema): name = fields.String() ser = MySchema(many=True) rep = repr(ser) assert "MySchema" in rep assert "many=True" in rep class TestNestedSchema: @pytest.fixture def user(self): return User(name="Monty", age=81) @pytest.fixture def blog(self, user): col1 = User(name="Mick", age=123) col2 = User(name="Keith", age=456) blog = Blog( "Monty's blog", user=user, categories=["humor", "violence"], collaborators=[col1, col2], ) return blog # regression test for def test_nested_many_with_missing_attribute(self, user): class SimpleBlogSchema(Schema): title = fields.Str() wat = fields.Nested(UserSchema, many=True) blog = Blog("Simple blog", user=user, collaborators=None) schema = SimpleBlogSchema() result = schema.dump(blog) assert "wat" not in result def test_nested_with_attribute_none(self): class InnerSchema(Schema): bar = fields.Raw() class MySchema(Schema): foo = fields.Nested(InnerSchema) class MySchema2(Schema): foo = fields.Nested(InnerSchema) s = MySchema() result = s.dump({"foo": None}) assert result["foo"] is None s2 = MySchema2() result2 = s2.dump({"foo": None}) assert result2["foo"] is None def test_nested_field_does_not_validate_required(self): class BlogRequiredSchema(Schema): user = fields.Nested(UserSchema, required=True) b = Blog("Authorless blog", user=None) BlogRequiredSchema().dump(b) def test_nested_none(self): class BlogDefaultSchema(Schema): user = fields.Nested(UserSchema, dump_default=0) b = Blog("Just the default blog", user=None) data = BlogDefaultSchema().dump(b) assert data["user"] is None def test_nested(self, user, blog): blog_serializer = BlogSchema() serialized_blog = blog_serializer.dump(blog) user_serializer = UserSchema() serialized_user = user_serializer.dump(user) assert serialized_blog["user"] == serialized_user with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match="email"): BlogSchema().load( {"title": "Monty's blog", "user": {"name": "Monty", "email": "foo"}} ) def test_nested_many_fields(self, blog): serialized_blog = BlogSchema().dump(blog) expected = [UserSchema().dump(col) for col in blog.collaborators] assert serialized_blog["collaborators"] == expected def test_nested_meta_many(self, blog): serialized_blog = BlogUserMetaSchema().dump(blog) assert len(serialized_blog["collaborators"]) == 2 expected = [UserMetaSchema().dump(col) for col in blog.collaborators] assert serialized_blog["collaborators"] == expected def test_nested_only(self, blog): col1 = User(name="Mick", age=123, id_="abc") col2 = User(name="Keith", age=456, id_="def") blog.collaborators = [col1, col2] serialized_blog = BlogOnlySchema().dump(blog) assert serialized_blog["collaborators"] == [{"id":}, {"id":}] def test_exclude(self, blog): serialized = BlogSchemaExclude().dump(blog) assert "uppername" not in serialized["user"].keys() def test_list_field(self, blog): serialized = BlogSchema().dump(blog) assert serialized["categories"] == ["humor", "violence"] def test_nested_load_many(self): in_data = { "title": "Shine A Light", "collaborators": [ {"name": "Mick", "email": ""}, {"name": "Keith", "email": ""}, ], } data = BlogSchema().load(in_data) collabs = data["collaborators"] assert len(collabs) == 2 assert all(type(each) is User for each in collabs) assert collabs[0].name == in_data["collaborators"][0]["name"] def test_nested_errors(self): with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: BlogSchema().load( {"title": "Monty's blog", "user": {"name": "Monty", "email": "foo"}} ) errors = excinfo.value.messages assert "email" in errors["user"] assert len(errors["user"]["email"]) == 1 assert "Not a valid email address." in errors["user"]["email"][0] # No problems with collaborators assert "collaborators" not in errors def test_nested_method_field(self, blog): data = BlogSchema().dump(blog) assert data["user"]["is_old"] assert data["collaborators"][0]["is_old"] def test_nested_function_field(self, blog, user): data = BlogSchema().dump(blog) assert data["user"]["lowername"] == expected = blog.collaborators[0].name.lower() assert data["collaborators"][0]["lowername"] == expected def test_serializer_meta_with_nested_fields(self, blog, user): data = BlogSchemaMeta().dump(blog) assert data["title"] == blog.title assert data["user"] == UserSchema().dump(user) assert data["collaborators"] == [ UserSchema().dump(c) for c in blog.collaborators ] assert data["categories"] == blog.categories def test_serializer_with_nested_meta_fields(self, blog): # Schema has user = fields.Nested(UserMetaSerializer) s = BlogUserMetaSchema().dump(blog) assert s["user"] == UserMetaSchema().dump(blog.user) def test_nested_fields_must_be_passed_a_serializer(self, blog): class BadNestedFieldSchema(BlogSchema): user = fields.Nested(fields.String) with pytest.raises(ValueError): BadNestedFieldSchema().dump(blog) # regression test for def test_invalid_type_passed_to_nested_field(self): class InnerSchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() class MySchema(Schema): inner = fields.Nested(InnerSchema, many=True) sch = MySchema() sch.load({"inner": [{"foo": 42}]}) with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: sch.load({"inner": "invalid"}) errors = excinfo.value.messages assert "inner" in errors assert errors["inner"] == ["Invalid type."] class OuterSchema(Schema): inner = fields.Nested(InnerSchema) schema = OuterSchema() with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: schema.load({"inner": 1}) errors = excinfo.value.messages assert errors["inner"]["_schema"] == ["Invalid input type."] # regression test for def test_all_errors_on_many_nested_field_with_validates_decorator(self): class Inner(Schema): req = fields.Raw(required=True) class Outer(Schema): inner = fields.Nested(Inner, many=True) @validates("inner") def validates_inner(self, data): raise ValidationError("not a chance") outer = Outer() with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: outer.load({"inner": [{}]}) errors = excinfo.value.messages assert "inner" in errors assert "_schema" in errors["inner"] @pytest.mark.parametrize("unknown", (None, RAISE, INCLUDE, EXCLUDE)) def test_nested_unknown_validation(self, unknown): class ChildSchema(Schema): num = fields.Int() class ParentSchema(Schema): child = fields.Nested(ChildSchema, unknown=unknown) data = {"child": {"num": 1, "extra": 1}} if unknown is None or unknown == RAISE: with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as exc: ParentSchema().load(data) assert exc.messages == {"child": {"extra": ["Unknown field."]}} else: output = { INCLUDE: {"child": {"num": 1, "extra": 1}}, EXCLUDE: {"child": {"num": 1}}, }[unknown] assert ParentSchema().load(data) == output class TestPluckSchema: @pytest.mark.parametrize("user_schema", [UserSchema, UserSchema()]) def test_pluck(self, user_schema, blog): class FlatBlogSchema(Schema): user = fields.Pluck(user_schema, "name") collaborators = fields.Pluck(user_schema, "name", many=True) s = FlatBlogSchema() data = s.dump(blog) assert data["user"] == for i, name in enumerate(data["collaborators"]): assert name == blog.collaborators[i].name def test_pluck_none(self, blog): class FlatBlogSchema(Schema): user = fields.Pluck(UserSchema, "name") collaborators = fields.Pluck(UserSchema, "name", many=True) col1 = User(name="Mick", age=123) col2 = User(name="Keith", age=456) blog = Blog(title="Unowned Blog", user=None, collaborators=[col1, col2]) s = FlatBlogSchema() data = s.dump(blog) assert data["user"] == blog.user for i, name in enumerate(data["collaborators"]): assert name == blog.collaborators[i].name # Regression test for def test_pluck_with_data_key(self, blog): class UserSchema(Schema): name = fields.String(data_key="username") age = fields.Int() class FlatBlogSchema(Schema): user = fields.Pluck(UserSchema, "name") collaborators = fields.Pluck(UserSchema, "name", many=True) s = FlatBlogSchema() data = s.dump(blog) assert data["user"] == for i, name in enumerate(data["collaborators"]): assert name == blog.collaborators[i].name assert s.load(data) == { "user": {"name": "Monty"}, "collaborators": [{"name": "Mick"}, {"name": "Keith"}], } class TestSelfReference: @pytest.fixture def employer(self): return User(name="Joe", age=59) @pytest.fixture def user(self, employer): return User(name="Tom", employer=employer, age=28) def test_nesting_schema_by_passing_lambda(self, user, employer): class SelfReferencingSchema(Schema): name = fields.Str() age = fields.Int() employer = fields.Nested( lambda: SelfReferencingSchema(exclude=("employer",)) ) data = SelfReferencingSchema().dump(user) assert data["name"] == assert data["employer"]["name"] == assert data["employer"]["age"] == employer.age def test_nesting_schema_by_passing_class_name(self, user, employer): class SelfReferencingSchema(Schema): name = fields.Str() age = fields.Int() employer = fields.Nested("SelfReferencingSchema", exclude=("employer",)) data = SelfReferencingSchema().dump(user) assert data["name"] == assert data["employer"]["name"] == assert data["employer"]["age"] == employer.age def test_nesting_schema_self_string(self, user, employer): with pytest.warns( DeprecationWarning, match="Passing 'self' to `Nested` is deprecated" ): class SelfSchema(Schema): name = fields.String() age = fields.Integer() employer = fields.Nested("self", exclude=("employer",)) data = SelfSchema().dump(user) assert data["name"] == assert data["employer"]["name"] == assert data["employer"]["age"] == employer.age def test_nesting_within_itself_meta(self, user, employer): class SelfSchema(Schema): employer = fields.Nested(lambda: SelfSchema(exclude=("employer",))) class Meta: additional = ("name", "age") data = SelfSchema().dump(user) assert data["name"] == assert data["age"] == user.age assert data["employer"]["name"] == assert data["employer"]["age"] == employer.age def test_nested_self_with_only_param(self, user, employer): class SelfSchema(Schema): employer = fields.Nested(lambda: SelfSchema(only=("name",))) class Meta: fields = ("name", "employer") data = SelfSchema().dump(user) assert data["name"] == assert data["employer"]["name"] == assert "age" not in data["employer"] def test_multiple_pluck_self_lambda(self, user): class MultipleSelfSchema(Schema): emp = fields.Pluck( lambda: MultipleSelfSchema(), "name", attribute="employer" ) rels = fields.Pluck( lambda: MultipleSelfSchema(), "name", many=True, attribute="relatives" ) class Meta: fields = ("name", "emp", "rels") schema = MultipleSelfSchema() user.relatives = [User(name="Bar", age=12), User(name="Baz", age=34)] data = schema.dump(user) assert len(data["rels"]) == len(user.relatives) relative = data["rels"][0] assert relative == user.relatives[0].name def test_multiple_pluck_self_string(self, user): with pytest.warns( DeprecationWarning, match="Passing 'self' to `Nested` is deprecated" ): class MultipleSelfSchema(Schema): emp = fields.Pluck("self", "name", attribute="employer") rels = fields.Pluck("self", "name", many=True, attribute="relatives") class Meta: fields = ("name", "emp", "rels") schema = MultipleSelfSchema() user.relatives = [User(name="Bar", age=12), User(name="Baz", age=34)] data = schema.dump(user) assert len(data["rels"]) == len(user.relatives) relative = data["rels"][0] assert relative == user.relatives[0].name def test_nested_self_many_lambda(self): class SelfManySchema(Schema): relatives = fields.Nested(lambda: SelfManySchema(), many=True) class Meta: additional = ("name", "age") person = User(name="Foo") person.relatives = [User(name="Bar", age=12), User(name="Baz", age=34)] data = SelfManySchema().dump(person) assert data["name"] == assert len(data["relatives"]) == len(person.relatives) assert data["relatives"][0]["name"] == person.relatives[0].name assert data["relatives"][0]["age"] == person.relatives[0].age def test_nested_self_many_string(self): with pytest.warns( DeprecationWarning, match="Passing 'self' to `Nested` is deprecated" ): class SelfManySchema(Schema): relatives = fields.Nested("self", many=True) class Meta: additional = ("name", "age") person = User(name="Foo") person.relatives = [User(name="Bar", age=12), User(name="Baz", age=34)] data = SelfManySchema().dump(person) assert data["name"] == assert len(data["relatives"]) == len(person.relatives) assert data["relatives"][0]["name"] == person.relatives[0].name assert data["relatives"][0]["age"] == person.relatives[0].age def test_nested_self_list(self): class SelfListSchema(Schema): relatives = fields.List(fields.Nested(lambda: SelfListSchema())) class Meta: additional = ("name", "age") person = User(name="Foo") person.relatives = [User(name="Bar", age=12), User(name="Baz", age=34)] data = SelfListSchema().dump(person) assert data["name"] == assert len(data["relatives"]) == len(person.relatives) assert data["relatives"][0]["name"] == person.relatives[0].name assert data["relatives"][0]["age"] == person.relatives[0].age def test_nested_self_list_string(self): with pytest.warns( DeprecationWarning, match="Passing 'self' to `Nested` is deprecated" ): class SelfListSchema(Schema): relatives = fields.List(fields.Nested("self")) class Meta: additional = ("name", "age") person = User(name="Foo") person.relatives = [User(name="Bar", age=12), User(name="Baz", age=34)] data = SelfListSchema().dump(person) assert data["name"] == assert len(data["relatives"]) == len(person.relatives) assert data["relatives"][0]["name"] == person.relatives[0].name assert data["relatives"][0]["age"] == person.relatives[0].age class RequiredUserSchema(Schema): name = fields.Raw(required=True) def test_serialization_with_required_field(): user = User(name=None) RequiredUserSchema().dump(user) def test_deserialization_with_required_field(): in_data = {} with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: RequiredUserSchema().load(in_data) data, errors = excinfo.value.valid_data, excinfo.value.messages assert "name" in errors assert "Missing data for required field." in errors["name"] # field value should also not be in output data assert "name" not in data def test_deserialization_with_required_field_and_custom_validator(): class ValidatingSchema(Schema): color = fields.String( required=True, validate=lambda x: x.lower() == "red" or x.lower() == "blue", error_messages={"validator_failed": "Color must be red or blue"}, ) with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: ValidatingSchema().load({"name": "foo"}) errors = excinfo.value.messages assert errors assert "color" in errors assert "Missing data for required field." in errors["color"] with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo: ValidatingSchema().load({"color": "green"}) errors = excinfo.value.messages assert "color" in errors assert "Color must be red or blue" in errors["color"] class UserContextSchema(Schema): is_owner = fields.Method("get_is_owner") is_collab = fields.Function(lambda user, ctx: user in ctx["blog"]) def get_is_owner(self, user): return self.context["blog"] == class TestContext: def test_context_method(self): owner = User("Joe") blog = Blog(title="Joe Blog", user=owner) context = {"blog": blog} serializer = UserContextSchema() serializer.context = context data = serializer.dump(owner) assert data["is_owner"] is True nonowner = User("Fred") data = serializer.dump(nonowner) assert data["is_owner"] is False def test_context_method_function(self): owner = User("Fred") blog = Blog("Killer Queen", user=owner) collab = User("Brian") blog.collaborators.append(collab) context = {"blog": blog} serializer = UserContextSchema() serializer.context = context data = serializer.dump(collab) assert data["is_collab"] is True noncollab = User("Foo") data = serializer.dump(noncollab) assert data["is_collab"] is False def test_function_field_raises_error_when_context_not_available(self): # only has a function field class UserFunctionContextSchema(Schema): is_collab = fields.Function(lambda user, ctx: user in ctx["blog"]) owner = User("Joe") serializer = UserFunctionContextSchema() # no context serializer.context = None msg = "No context available for Function field {!r}".format("is_collab") with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match=msg): serializer.dump(owner) def test_function_field_handles_bound_serializer(self): class SerializeA: def __call__(self, value): return "value" serialize = SerializeA() # only has a function field class UserFunctionContextSchema(Schema): is_collab = fields.Function(serialize) owner = User("Joe") serializer = UserFunctionContextSchema() # no context serializer.context = None data = serializer.dump(owner) assert data["is_collab"] == "value" def test_fields_context(self): class CSchema(Schema): name = fields.String() ser = CSchema() ser.context["foo"] = 42 assert ser.fields["name"].context == {"foo": 42} def test_nested_fields_inherit_context(self): class InnerSchema(Schema): likes_bikes = fields.Function(lambda obj, ctx: "bikes" in ctx["info"]) class CSchema(Schema): inner = fields.Nested(InnerSchema) ser = CSchema() ser.context["info"] = "i like bikes" obj = {"inner": {}} with pytest.warns(RemovedInMarshmallow4Warning): result = ser.dump(obj) assert result["inner"]["likes_bikes"] is True # Regression test for def test_nested_list_fields_inherit_context(self): class InnerSchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() @validates("foo") def validate_foo(self, value): if "foo_context" not in self.context: raise ValidationError("Missing context") class OuterSchema(Schema): bars = fields.List(fields.Nested(InnerSchema())) inner = InnerSchema() inner.context["foo_context"] = "foo" assert inner.load({"foo": 42}) outer = OuterSchema() outer.context["foo_context"] = "foo" assert outer.load({"bars": [{"foo": 42}]}) # Regression test for def test_nested_dict_fields_inherit_context(self): class InnerSchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() @validates("foo") def validate_foo(self, value): if "foo_context" not in self.context: raise ValidationError("Missing context") class OuterSchema(Schema): bars = fields.Dict(values=fields.Nested(InnerSchema())) inner = InnerSchema() inner.context["foo_context"] = "foo" assert inner.load({"foo": 42}) outer = OuterSchema() outer.context["foo_context"] = "foo" assert outer.load({"bars": {"test": {"foo": 42}}}) # Regression test for def test_nested_field_with_unpicklable_object_in_context(self): class Unpicklable: def __deepcopy__(self, _): raise NotImplementedError class InnerSchema(Schema): foo = fields.Raw() with pytest.warns(RemovedInMarshmallow4Warning): class OuterSchema(Schema): inner = fields.Nested(InnerSchema(context={"unp": Unpicklable()})) outer = OuterSchema() obj = {"inner": {"foo": 42}} assert outer.dump(obj) def test_serializer_can_specify_nested_object_as_attribute(blog): class BlogUsernameSchema(Schema): author_name = fields.String(attribute="") ser = BlogUsernameSchema() result = ser.dump(blog) assert result["author_name"] == class TestFieldInheritance: def test_inherit_fields_from_schema_subclass(self): with pytest.warns(ChangedInMarshmallow4Warning): expected = { "field_a": fields.Number(), "field_b": fields.Number(), } class SerializerA(Schema): field_a = expected["field_a"] class SerializerB(SerializerA): field_b = expected["field_b"] assert SerializerB._declared_fields == expected def test_inherit_fields_from_non_schema_subclass(self): with pytest.warns(ChangedInMarshmallow4Warning): expected = { "field_a": fields.Number(), "field_b": fields.Number(), } class PlainBaseClass: field_a = expected["field_a"] class SerializerB1(Schema, PlainBaseClass): field_b = expected["field_b"] class SerializerB2(PlainBaseClass, Schema): field_b = expected["field_b"] assert SerializerB1._declared_fields == expected assert SerializerB2._declared_fields == expected def test_inheritance_follows_mro(self): expected = { "field_a": fields.String(), "field_b": fields.String(), "field_c": fields.String(), "field_d": fields.String(), } # Diamond inheritance graph # MRO: D -> B -> C -> A class SerializerA(Schema): field_a = expected["field_a"] class SerializerB(SerializerA): field_b = expected["field_b"] class SerializerC(SerializerA): field_c = expected["field_c"] class SerializerD(SerializerB, SerializerC): field_d = expected["field_d"] assert SerializerD._declared_fields == expected def get_from_dict(schema, obj, key, default=None): return obj.get("_" + key, default) class TestGetAttribute: def test_get_attribute_is_used(self): class UserDictSchema(Schema): name = fields.Str() email = fields.Email() def get_attribute(self, obj, attr, default): return get_from_dict(self, obj, attr, default) user_dict = {"_name": "joe", "_email": ""} schema = UserDictSchema() result = schema.dump(user_dict) assert result["name"] == user_dict["_name"] assert result["email"] == user_dict["_email"] # can't serialize User object user = User(name="joe", email="") with pytest.raises(AttributeError): schema.dump(user) def test_get_attribute_with_many(self): class UserDictSchema(Schema): name = fields.Str() email = fields.Email() def get_attribute(self, obj, attr, default): return get_from_dict(self, obj, attr, default) user_dicts = [ {"_name": "joe", "_email": ""}, {"_name": "jane", "_email": ""}, ] schema = UserDictSchema(many=True) results = schema.dump(user_dicts) for result, user_dict in zip(results, user_dicts): assert result["name"] == user_dict["_name"] assert result["email"] == user_dict["_email"] # can't serialize User object users = [ User(name="joe", email=""), User(name="jane", email=""), ] with pytest.raises(AttributeError): schema.dump(users) class TestRequiredFields: class StringSchema(Schema): required_field = fields.Str(required=True) allow_none_field = fields.Str(allow_none=True) allow_none_required_field = fields.Str(required=True, allow_none=True) @pytest.fixture() def string_schema(self): return self.StringSchema() @pytest.fixture() def data(self): return dict( required_field="foo", allow_none_field="bar", allow_none_required_field="one", ) def test_required_string_field_missing(self, string_schema, data): del data["required_field"] errors = string_schema.validate(data) assert errors["required_field"] == ["Missing data for required field."] def test_required_string_field_failure(self, string_schema, data): data["required_field"] = None errors = string_schema.validate(data) assert errors["required_field"] == ["Field may not be null."] def test_allow_none_param(self, string_schema, data): data["allow_none_field"] = None errors = string_schema.validate(data) assert errors == {} data["allow_none_required_field"] = None string_schema.validate(data) del data["allow_none_required_field"] errors = string_schema.validate(data) assert "allow_none_required_field" in errors def test_allow_none_custom_message(self, data): class MySchema(Schema): allow_none_field = fields.Raw( allow_none=False, error_messages={"null": ""} ) schema = MySchema() errors = schema.validate({"allow_none_field": None}) assert errors["allow_none_field"][0] == "" class TestDefaults: class MySchema(Schema): int_no_default = fields.Int(allow_none=True) str_no_default = fields.Str(allow_none=True) list_no_default = fields.List(fields.Str, allow_none=True) nested_no_default = fields.Nested(UserSchema, many=True, allow_none=True) int_with_default = fields.Int(allow_none=True, dump_default=42) str_with_default = fields.Str(allow_none=True, dump_default="foo") @pytest.fixture() def schema(self): return self.MySchema() @pytest.fixture() def data(self): return dict( int_no_default=None, str_no_default=None, list_no_default=None, nested_no_default=None, int_with_default=None, str_with_default=None, ) def test_missing_inputs_are_excluded_from_dump_output(self, schema, data): for key in [ "int_no_default", "str_no_default", "list_no_default", "nested_no_default", ]: d = data.copy() del d[key] result = schema.dump(d) # the missing key is not in the serialized result assert key not in result # the rest of the keys are in the result assert all(k in result for k in d.keys()) def test_none_is_serialized_to_none(self, schema, data): errors = schema.validate(data) assert errors == {} result = schema.dump(data) for key in data.keys(): msg = f"result[{key!r}] should be None" assert result[key] is None, msg def test_default_and_value_missing(self, schema, data): del data["int_with_default"] del data["str_with_default"] result = schema.dump(data) assert result["int_with_default"] == 42 assert result["str_with_default"] == "foo" def test_loading_none(self, schema, data): result = schema.load(data) for key in data.keys(): assert result[key] is None def test_missing_inputs_are_excluded_from_load_output(self, schema, data): for key in [ "int_no_default", "str_no_default", "list_no_default", "nested_no_default", ]: d = data.copy() del d[key] result = schema.load(d) # the missing key is not in the deserialized result assert key not in result # the rest of the keys are in the result assert all(k in result for k in d.keys()) class TestLoadOnly: class MySchema(Schema): class Meta: load_only = ("str_load_only",) dump_only = ("str_dump_only",) str_dump_only = fields.String() str_load_only = fields.String() str_regular = fields.String() @pytest.fixture() def schema(self): return self.MySchema() @pytest.fixture() def data(self): return dict( str_dump_only="Dump Only", str_load_only="Load Only", str_regular="Regular String", ) def test_load_only(self, schema, data): result = schema.dump(data) assert "str_load_only" not in result assert "str_dump_only" in result assert "str_regular" in result def test_dump_only(self, schema, data): result = schema.load(data, unknown=EXCLUDE) assert "str_dump_only" not in result assert "str_load_only" in result assert "str_regular" in result # regression test for def test_url_field_requre_tld_false(self): class NoTldTestSchema(Schema): url = fields.Url(require_tld=False, schemes=["marshmallow"]) schema = NoTldTestSchema() data_with_no_top_level_domain = {"url": "marshmallow://app/discounts"} result = schema.load(data_with_no_top_level_domain) assert result == data_with_no_top_level_domain class TestFromDict: def test_generates_schema(self): MySchema = Schema.from_dict({"foo": fields.Str()}) assert issubclass(MySchema, Schema) def test_name(self): MySchema = Schema.from_dict({"foo": fields.Str()}) assert "GeneratedSchema" in repr(MySchema) SchemaWithName = Schema.from_dict( {"foo": fields.Int()}, name="MyGeneratedSchema" ) assert "MyGeneratedSchema" in repr(SchemaWithName) def test_generated_schemas_are_not_registered(self): n_registry_entries = len(class_registry._registry) Schema.from_dict({"foo": fields.Str()}) Schema.from_dict({"bar": fields.Str()}, name="MyGeneratedSchema") assert len(class_registry._registry) == n_registry_entries with pytest.raises(RegistryError): class_registry.get_class("GeneratedSchema") with pytest.raises(RegistryError): class_registry.get_class("MyGeneratedSchema") def test_meta_options_are_applied(self): class OrderedSchema(Schema): class Meta: ordered = True load_only = ("bar",) OSchema = OrderedSchema.from_dict({"foo": fields.Int(), "bar": fields.Int()}) dumped = OSchema().dump({"foo": 42, "bar": 24}) assert isinstance(dumped, OrderedDict) assert "bar" not in dumped def test_class_registry_returns_schema_type(): class DefinitelyUniqueSchema(Schema): """ Just a schema """ SchemaClass = class_registry.get_class(DefinitelyUniqueSchema.__name__) assert SchemaClass is DefinitelyUniqueSchema @pytest.mark.parametrize("usage_location", ["meta", "init", "load"]) def test_unknown_parameter_value_is_validated(usage_location): class MySchema(Schema): foo = fields.String() with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Object 'badval' is not a valid value for the 'unknown' parameter", ): # Meta.unknown setting gets caught at class creation time, since that's when # metaclass __new__ runs if usage_location == "meta": class SubSchema(MySchema): class Meta: unknown = "badval" # usages in init and load are caught at call time, as expected elif usage_location == "init": MySchema(unknown="badval") else: MySchema().load({"foo": "bar"}, unknown="badval") @pytest.mark.parametrize("dict_cls", (dict, OrderedDict)) def test_set_dict_class(dict_cls): """Demonstrate how to specify dict_class as class attribute""" class MySchema(Schema): dict_class = dict_cls foo = fields.String() result = MySchema().dump({"foo": "bar"}) assert result == {"foo": "bar"} assert isinstance(result, dict_cls)