- Added: yelp-tools (commit: 9ab43bb) (details)
- vte: switch to Python 2.7, deliver also Python 2.6 modules (commit: 1b05f95) (details)
- 23620351 problem in UTILITY/BZIP (commit: 1d47472) (details)
- 23598249 problem in LIBRARY/OPENSSL (commit: 8c7150a) (details)
- Update python27 to 2.7.12 (commit: ee9cae8) (details)
- Update haproxy to 1.6.6 (commit: fc7e66a) (details)
- Update wget to 1.18 (commit: 1212013) (details)
- Avoid always republishing xf86-input-hotkey (commit: af4c904) (details)
- Update libexpat to 2.2.0 (upstream change) (commit: 656f9db) (details)
- time-slider: more dependencies fixes (commit: 6785687) (details)
- pygtksourceview: deliver Python 2.7 module (commit: 3d7c4a0) (details)