- 9283 Missing Build Dependency for openssl 1.0.2 (commit: 4c67066) (details)
- libvpx: bump to 1.7.0 (commit: b529994) (details)
- gst-plugins-base1: bump to 1.12.5 (commit: ef64a5d) (details)
- xterm: bump to 333 (commit: c06c975) (details)
- gst-plugins-good1: bump to 1.12.5 (commit: bfd9980) (details)
- gst-plugins-bad1: bump to 1.12.5 (commit: 89743ec) (details)
- gst-plugins-ugly1: bump to 1.12.5 (commit: 88af9c9) (details)
- gst-plugins-bad: rebuild with libvpx 1.7.0 (commit: a4a3443) (details)
- Vim 8.1.0005 (commit: bfcb860) (details)
- dejavu-fonts: fix font.dir and font.scale; update project home page (commit: 91d4c06) (details)
- xfontsel: bump to 1.0.6 (commit: 09ffc59) (details)
- Add FiraCode TrueType fonts (commit: d3f8828) (details)
- Geany 1.33 (commit: c0d8400) (details)
- Geany plugins 1.33 (commit: 9833b07) (details)
- ffmpeg: rebuild with libvpx 1.7.0 (commit: d456966) (details)
- vlc: rebuild with libvpx 1.7.0 (commit: da620dc) (details)