- components CONFIGURE_ENV and COMPONENT_OPTIONS cleanup (commit: 1824eaf) (details)
- Enable CONFIGURE_ENV and CONFIGURE_OPTIONS in (commit: dfeb21b) (details)
- slang CONFIGURE_OPTIONS cleanup (commit: 88638b5) (details)
- Switch LINKER to gcc for correct LD_BITS (commit: 72a528d) (details)
- Restore mistakenly deleted CONFIGURE_OPTIONS for xscreensaver (commit: b546934) (details)
- More CONFIGURE_ENV and CONFIGURE_OPTIONS cleanup (commit: c995374) (details)
- Even more CONFIGURE_ENV and CONFIGURE_OPTIONS cleanup (commit: b57362a) (details)
- Implement workaround for top's bug (commit: 63b6b0c) (details)
- Add linker, sunstudio12u1, clang and perl516 to build-essential (commit: cab3378) (details)