- python/backports_abc: rename package to normalize it (commit: 7aa7b16) (details)
- python/backports.ssl_match_hostname: rename package to normalize it (commit: c4a7249) (details)
- python/chardet: update package dependencies (commit: 9bf08a4) (details)
- python/mkdocs-bootstrap: fix package dependencies (commit: 2152c2a) (details)
- python/mkdocs-bootswatch: fix package dependencies (commit: 9b031ae) (details)
- python/outcome: fix package dependencies (commit: 6bfadb9) (details)
- python/setuptools_scm_git_archive: rename package to normalize it (commit: c7e2693) (details)
- python/testpath: update to 0.6.0 (commit: 2131fcb) (details)
- python/pyyaml_env_tag: rename package to normalize it (commit: 0b7a7e1) (details)
- xlsatoms: update to 1.1.4 (commit: 856c6d7) (details)
- xlsclients: update to 1.1.5 (commit: 8a8eae7) (details)
- xz: update to 5.2.8 (commit: f18421a) (details)
- mutt: update to 2.2.9 (commit: a4232c9) (details)
- xcompmgr: update to 1.1.9 (commit: e6302c2) (details)
- imath: update to 3.1.6 (commit: e6da066) (details)
- sort pytest test results per file for non-verbose run (commit: e3f3010) (details)
- tools/license-detector: some BSD-3-Clause texts have terms without any marking (commit: 035163a) (details)
- python/colorama: update to 0.4.6 (commit: fe87ec5) (details)
- pgbadger: update to 12.0 and switch to default perl version (commit: 1a02e1a) (details)
- pgloader: update to 3.6.9 (commit: 9ad0e1a) (details)
- extra-cmake-modules: update to 5.100.0 (commit: e03f4ed) (details)
- run pytest in verbose mode and without colors (commit: b7bd746) (details)
- make-rules: dependency detection for tox based tests (commit: 06c6b6f) (details)
- python/tox: update to 3.27.1 (commit: f11d1a8) (details)