- illumos-gate: dhcpagent should ask for Rootpath too (commit: 1fe51d9) (details)
- Adding FS-UAE Amiga emulator (commit: c5e516d) (details)
- libsecret: update to 0.20.4, drop 32 bit apps and provide test results (commit: 6a6eb69) (details)
- opensmalltalk stack-spur: update to 5.0.3275 (commit: abb219b) (details)
- pango: update to 1.50.12 (commit: df5b5bc) (details)
- opensmallltalk cog-spur: update to 5.0.3275 (commit: ddc9366) (details)
- emacs: add patch from solaris-userland to detect the real emacs (commit: c83ed25) (details)
- chezmoi: update to 2.27.1 (commit: 4f3e89f) (details)