- python/charset-normalizer: update to 3.2.0; obsolete package for Python 3.7 (commit: e0e268e) (details)
- python/click: update to 8.1.4; obsolete package for Python 3.7 (commit: f427833) (details)
- python/rpds_py: update to 0.8.10 (commit: 9e1cb9e) (details)
- python/zipp: update to 3.16.0; obsolete package for Python 3.7 (commit: 0406dc6) (details)
- python/pytest-checkdocs: update to 2.10.0; obsolete package for Python 3.7 (commit: b4ea78e) (details)
- python/jaraco.classes: update to 3.3.0; obsolete package for Python 3.7 (commit: 38d8403) (details)
- python/astroid: update to 2.15.6 (commit: 6a48097) (details)
- python/dogpile.cache: update to 1.2.2; obsolete package for Python 3.7 (commit: d8d38cf) (details)
- python/platformdirs: update to 3.8.1; obsolete package for Python 3.7 (commit: 7cef370) (details)
- python/editables: update to 0.4; obsolete package for Python 3.7 (commit: f7488d1) (details)
- gcc-11: update to 11.4.0 (commit: 4aca53d) (details)
- harbuzz: update to 8.0.0 (commit: a9c4d24) (details)
- libvpx: update to 1.13.0 (commit: 3199293) (details)
- thunderbird: update to 102.13.0 (commit: c84133c) (details)
- rebuild ffmpeg after libvpx update (commit: deb32d6) (details)
- samba - update to version 4.18.4 (commit: 0844973) (details)
- libsmbclient - update to samba version 4.18.4 (commit: aa5faef) (details)
- rebuild gst-plugins-good1 after libvpx update (commit: 07d77f1) (details)
- rebuild vlc after libvpx update and enable gnutls and libgcrypt modules (commit: 22676e1) (details)
- libxslt: update to 1.1.38 (commit: 7e02152) (details)
- asterisk - update to version 20.3.1 (commit: 3fdf08d) (details)
- libmediainfo: update to 23.06 (commit: 5af48bb) (details)
- gpgme: update to 1.21.0 (commit: 2ace82c) (details)
- extra-cmake-modules: update to 5.108.0 (commit: 1bdd0cc) (details)
- qpdf: update to 11.5.0 (commit: d1b98a7) (details)