- perl/IO-Compress-Brotli: update to 0.017 (commit: 7fb110d) (details)
- perl/Mail-AuthenticationResults: update to 2.20231031 (commit: 961fef7) (details)
- python/Faker: update to 19.12.1 (commit: b0d61ef) (details)
- python/Markdown: update to 3.5.1 (commit: 8206356) (details)
- python/charset-normalizer: update to 3.3.2 (commit: 09ced5c) (details)
- python/poetry_core: update to 1.8.1 (commit: b8de564) (details)
- use https for dlc downloads (commit: 7076c97) (details)
- docbook: fix (used in svc:/application/desktop-cache/docbook-catalog-update:default) for edge case of zero-sized lost catalog file: /etc/xml/catalog (commit: d714296) (details)
- nvidia: update to 535.129.03 (commit: 53d494a) (details)
- add Not Run to cmake test results (commit: d7f3954) (details)
- rebuild libvisio & drop 32 bit (commit: 1265e05) (details)
- nvidia-470: update to 470.223.02 (commit: ef533fc) (details)
- docbook: fix (used in svc:/application/desktop-cache/docbook-catalog-update:default) for edge case of zero-sized lost catalog file: /etc/xml/catalog (add "delegate" rules) (commit: 14bc9be) (details)
- Add stdio-mgr Python project (commit: cf9d407) (details)
- add Skipped to cmake test results (commit: 67036b9) (details)
- lib2geom: update to 1.3.0 (commit: db9315d) (details)
- rebuild inkscape (commit: 740a9c5) (details)
- rebuild sane-backends (commit: f37d755) (details)
- quazip: update to 1.4 (commit: a0f7aca) (details)
- rebuild gegl (commit: 7b52c34) (details)
- rebuild libabw (#14571) (commit: f07043e) (details)
- Add pytest_check Python project (commit: c81030c) (details)
- rebuild librvngabw (commit: d4c75d6) (details)
- rebuild libzen (commit: 1cdd0b9) (details)
- Obsolete python/pytest-black-multipy (commit: 983789f) (details)
- rebuild libical (commit: 2acfe10) (details)
- rebuild libvisual (commit: f81a2dc) (details)
- rebuild botan (commit: a2b7687) (details)
- rebuild soundtouch (commit: f3be94a) (details)
- p11-kit: update to 0.25.2 (commit: 02acd48) (details)
- clamav - update to version 1.2.1 (and switch to openssl v3.1) (commit: 0efe079) (details)
- rebuild spdlog (commit: a1272e9) (details)
- rebuild uchardet (commit: 96cbfcd) (details)
- swi-prolog: fix libjpeg8-turbo usage (commit: fabcf8a) (details)