- python/httpcore: update to 1.0.1 (commit: 1f67eba) (details)
- python/rpds_py: update to 0.12.0 (commit: e5851be) (details)
- python/ruamel.yaml: update to 0.18.5 (commit: cf1d280) (details)
- rebuild gperf (commit: fc56eee) (details)
- openjade: add test results; still needs gcc-7 (commit: e3f6616) (details)
- rebuild opendbx (commit: 7c92239) (details)
- python/httpx: update to 0.25.1 (commit: 5ef1cd2) (details)
- clang-17: update test results (commit: ff281cc) (details)
- poppler: update to 23.10 & add test results (commit: 3a32be4) (details)
- rebuild x265 (commit: e91cadb) (details)
- rebuild gnome-commander (commit: 819a3b4) (details)
- rebuild claws-mail (commit: d299c34) (details)
- rebuild atril (commit: 9e67c8a) (details)
- rebuild openscenegraph & switch to libopenjpeg8-turbo (commit: 7b0342e) (details)
- rebuild graphviz (commit: 297c8c5) (details)
- rebuild gammu (commit: 4d5a0ba) (details)
- Obsolete perl/DBD-mysql (commit: 0778c89) (details)
- rebuild pugixml (commit: 980e189) (details)
- rebuild jsoncpp (commit: f6b1aa3) (details)
- rebuild augeas (commit: ffa8e5c) (details)
- rebuild git-crypt (commit: e79ee5a) (details)
- rebuild bullet (commit: 1478790) (details)
- perl/Mail-DMARC: drop test dependency on obsoleted DBD::mysql (commit: d330566) (details)
- rebuild ptlib & switch to openssl-3.1 (commit: 59004a1) (details)
- simplify directory creation for sample-manifest (commit: d936ff3) (details)
- rebuild gtkmm3 (commit: 9b857c6) (details)
- rebuild gtkmm (commit: e48fadd) (details)
- glade: update to 3.40.0 (commit: a53509f) (details)
- rebuild libreoffice (commit: c386d41) (details)
- gnumeric: update to 1.12.56 (commit: 65a783d) (details)