- obsolete library/indri (commit: 4471165) (details)
The file was removed | components/library/indri/patches/remove_xpdf.patch |
The file was modified | components/meta-packages/history/history (diff) |
The file was removed | components/library/indri/Makefile |
The file was removed | components/library/indri/patches/build_also_shared.patch |
The file was removed | components/library/indri/patches/64bit.patch |
The file was removed | components/library/indri/pkg5 |
The file was removed | components/library/indri/indri.license |
The file was removed | components/library/indri/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m |
The file was removed | components/library/indri/patches/bigendian.patch |
The file was removed | components/library/indri/patches/pia.patch |
The file was removed | components/library/indri/indri.p5m |