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  1. Initial commit of TestDisk, PhotoRec and QPhotoRec (same source, (commit: ffaf37b) (details)
  2. 19822771 sudo(1m) calls pam_open_session() which doesn't interact well (commit: dc48475) (details)
Commit ffaf37bd8a5541322b51a7e941621cc742cc9a19 by Jim Klimov
Initial commit of TestDisk, PhotoRec and QPhotoRec (same source, different purposes - three packages)
(commit: ffaf37b)
The file was addedcomponents/testdisk/photorec.p5m
The file was addedcomponents/testdisk/qphotorec.p5m
The file was addedcomponents/testdisk/Makefile
The file was addedcomponents/testdisk/testdisk.p5m
Commit dc484757084777c1ebfcfbf36c14d01d72496f1f by apyhalov
19822771 sudo(1m) calls pam_open_session() which doesn't interact well w/pam_unix_session
(commit: dc48475)
The file was modifiedcomponents/sudo/Makefile (diff)