- Add (commit: d99f73a) (details)
- only enable ASLR if default (commit: 567b746) (details)
- Adapt font rules from solaris-userland (commit: a49d4f2) (details)
- skip historical manifests for font-transforms (commit: 11c2e25) (details)
- add handling of x11 fonts (commit: 43756a1) (details)
- arphic-ukai: add version 0.2.20080216.1 (commit: fe2fdcf) (details)
- arphic-uming: add version 0.2.20080216.1 (commit: 3a043bb) (details)
- baekmuk: add dependency to fontconfig (commit: b6f0d67) (details)
- bh-luxi: add dependency to fontconfig (commit: 405bc8d) (details)
- bitstream-vera: add dependency to fontconfig (commit: 8ffc4ff) (details)
- dejavu: add dependency to fontconfig (commit: 665ad67) (details)
- freefont: conform to naming convention (commit: 6568d3f) (details)
- google-droid: add version 20141010 (commit: a0d76f5) (details)
- liberation: conform to naming convention (commit: 976a4c0) (details)
- unfonts-ko-core: add 1.0.2 (commit: 3c2ed56) (details)
- unfonts-ko-extra: add 1.0.2 (commit: 768aad4) (details)
- wqy-zenhei: conform to naming convention (commit: df0e3df) (details)
- texgyre: add 2.501 (commit: 39aadb7) (details)
- gentium: add 1.102 (commit: 4a361e7) (details)
- daewoo: bump to 1.0.3 (commit: ddd38e3) (details)
- isas-misc: bump to 1.0.3 (commit: 896e032) (details)
- jis-misc: bump to 1.0.3 (commit: 204fff8) (details)
- misc-ethiopic: bump to 1.0.3 (commit: a5ac5dc) (details)
- mis-meltho: bump to 1.0.3 (commit: a596b91) (details)
- Relax X-incorporation (commit: 1af7100) (details)