Started by an SCM change Building in workspace /jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace Checkout:workspace / /jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace - hudson.remoting.LocalChannel@d912db Using strategy: Default Last Built Revision: Revision cc815c98cc8b4c67026cda38b0137dde57bc9556 (origin/oi/hipster) Fetching changes from 1 remote Git repository Fetching upstream changes from origin Commencing build of Revision b42f27e3da685d8ce9c0a55f43570fd630ebb911 (origin/oi/hipster) Checking out Revision b42f27e3da685d8ce9c0a55f43570fd630ebb911 (origin/oi/hipster) [workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /var/tmp/ + [ -f components/ ] + rm components/ + [ -f components/ ] + rm components/ + gmake setup setup components make[1]: Entering directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components' Generating component list... Generating component dependencies... make[1]: Leaving directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components' make[1]: Entering directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components' building tools... make[2]: Entering directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/tools' make[2]: Leaving directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/tools' /bin/mkdir -p /jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/i386/pkglint-cache make[1]: Leaving directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components' + gmake publish -j24 publish components make[1]: Entering directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components' building tools... make[2]: Entering directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/tools' make[2]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1. Add `+' to parent make rule. make[2]: Leaving directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/tools' /bin/mkdir -p /jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/i386/pkglint-cache publish a2ps publish aalib publish acpidump publish ant publish antlr publish apache2 publish apache2-modules/mod_dtrace publish apache2-modules/mod_fcgid publish apache2-modules/mod_jk publish apache2-modules/mod_perl publish apache2-modules/mod_proxy_html publish apache2-modules/mod_security2 publish apr-util publish arcstat publish apr publish apache2-modules/mod_wsgi publish asciidoc publish aspell/aspell publish autoconf publish aspell/dictionaries/en publish aspell/dictionaries/ru publish autogen publish automake/automake-1.10 publish automake/automake-1.11.2 publish bacula publish bash publish bash-completion publish bcc publish berkeleydb publish bind publish binutils publish bison publish cabextract publish cbe publish cdrtools publish chmlib publish clang publish cmake publish common publish conflict publish convmv publish coreutils publish curl publish cvs publish daq publish dejagnu publish devhelp publish diffutils publish doxygen publish ejabberd publish emacs publish environment-modules publish erlang publish evolution publish evolution-data-server publish evolution-exchange publish facter publish fastcgi publish fbreader publish fetchmail publish findutils publish firefox publish flex publish fping publish fribidi publish fsvs publish gaa publish gawk publish gc publish gcc3 publish gcc47 publish gdbm publish gegl publish geoip publish getopt publish gettext publish ggrep publish giflib publish git publish gnu-gs-fonts-other publish gnu-gs-fonts-std publish gnu-iconv publish gnugo publish gnump publish gnuplot publish gnupth publish gocr publish gperf publish graphviz publish gsl publish gtar publish gtk-vnc publish guile publish gzip publish help2man publish hexedit publish hplip publish httping publish hwdata publish icedtea-web publish icu publish iftop publish illumos-gcc publish illumos/pkg publish ilmbase publish imagemagick publish ipcalc publish iperf publish ircii publish irssi publish isc-dhcp publish iso-codes publish joe publish ldns publish less publish libarchive publish libassuan publish libconfuse publish libdnet publish libedit publish libee publish libestr publish libev publish libevent publish libexpat publish libffi publish libgcrypt publish libgee publish libgpg-error publish libidn publish libksba publish liblzo publish libmcrypt publish libmemcached publish libmhash publish libmng publish libneon publish libnet publish libogg publish libpcap publish libpqxx publish libproxy publish libsigc++ publish libsigsegv publish libspectre publish libssh2 publish libtecla publish libtool publish libunibreak publish libvorbis publish libxml2 publish libyaml publish lighttpd publish links publish logilab-astng publish logilab-common publish lua publish lzop publish m4 publish make publish mariadb-55 publish mbuffer publish mc publish memcached publish mercurial publish meta-packages/X-incorporation publish meta-packages/amp publish meta-packages/build-essential publish meta-packages/gnome-media-player publish meta-packages/gui-install publish meta-packages/history publish meta-packages/ogg-vorbis publish meta-packages/python-extra publish meta-packages/python-gnome-libs publish mlocate publish mpc publish mpfr publish mpich publish mrtg publish mtr publish mutt publish mysql-5-1 publish nasm publish ncftp publish ncurses publish net-snmp publish nethack publish nginx publish nicstat publish nmap publish node publish ntp publish nvidia publish openjdk-7 publish openldap publish openmpi publish openvpn publish openvpn-easy-rsa publish opus publish orc publish osol/math publish p7zip publish parallel publish patch publish pbzip2 publish pci.ids publish pciutils publish pconsole publish pcre publish percona-server-55 publish percona-server-56 publish perl/perl510 publish perl/perl516 publish perl_modules/DBI publish perl_modules/DBI-MySQL publish perl_modules/DBI-PostgreSQL publish perl_modules/authen_pam publish perl_modules/net-ssleay publish perl_modules/pmtools publish perl_modules/sun_solaris publish perl_modules/xml-parser publish pgadmin publish pgagent publish pgbadger publish pgbouncer publish pgloader publish pgpool-II publish php-5_4 publish php-5_4-ext-apc publish php-5_4-ext-idn publish php-5_4-ext-memcache publish php-5_4-ext-memcached publish php-5_4-ext-mysql publish php-5_4-ext-mysqli publish php-5_4-ext-pdo_mysql publish php-5_4-ext-pgsql publish php-5_4-ext-tcpwrap publish php-5_4-ext-xdebug publish pigz publish pinentry publish pixz publish pkg-config publish pkgbuild publish postgresql-84 publish postgresql-93 publish postgresql-93-pg_repack publish postgresql-jdbc publish privoxy publish procmail publish psutils publish puppet publish pv publish pwgen publish pylint publish python/argh publish python/argparse publish python/barman publish python/cherrypy publish python/gnome-python publish python/gnome-python-desktop publish python/gnome-python-extras publish python/jsonrpclib publish python/mysql publish python/numpy publish python/pip publish python/psycopg2 publish python/pycairo publish python/pygobject publish python/pygtk2 publish python/pygtksourceview publish python/pyorbit publish python/pyrex publish python/pyro publish python/pyro4 publish python/python-dateutil publish python/python26 publish python/python27 publish python/setuptools publish python/unittest2 publish raptor2 publish rdiff-backup publish readline publish rhythmbox publish rpm2cpio publish rrdtool publish rsync publish rsyslog publish ruby publish sane-backends publish sane-frontends publish scientific/gts publish scientific/python/instant publish scientific/python/scientific-py publish screen publish sed publish sg3_utils publish slang publish slib publish slrn publish snort publish sox publish spawn-fcgi publish sqlite/sqlite publish sqlite/tcl publish squid publish stunnel publish subversion publish sudo publish sunstudio12.1 publish swig publish sysbench publish tcl/tcl publish tcl/pgtcl publish tcpdump publish tcsh publish teseq publish texinfo publish thunderbird publish tmux publish top publish totem publish tracker publish tuntap publish unixodbc publish unrar publish unzip publish uwimap publish vala publish vim publish vinagre publish w3m publish wdiff publish webalizer publish wget publish which publish wireshark publish wxwidgets publish x11/libxcb publish x11/xcb-proto publish x11/xcb-util publish x11/xcb-util-keysyms publish x11/xclip publish x11/xcowsay publish x11/xmessage publish xchm publish xmlto publish xorriso publish xrx publish xscreensaver/rss-glx publish xscreensaver/xscreensaver publish xz publish yasm publish yelp publish zabbix-agent publish zetaback publish zip publish zlib publish zsh publish zziplib publish perl_modules/xml-simple publish tcl/expect publish tcl/tk /usr/bin/pkgrepo rebuild -s file:/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/i386/repo Initiating repository rebuild. make[1]: Leaving directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components' + rsync -av i386/repo/publisher/ rsync:// sending incremental file list ./ 00/ 00/0052841421b0f2091741ce53d7d39a0d7dd7ae49 00/00c70c23779f0be260a60073c0f0619729991104 01/ 01/0176c5941114c9f8d9333c9ad93475ee16e1ad94 02/ 02/02cf91b057895688f8628f76c0a9089d890036ee 03/ 04/ 05/ 06/ 07/ 07/076a8eda37f06a8b5713172c0ddd6a9870864a40 07/07d5ddd1f941a892e4c4b41d39c5e44385fe15c4 08/ 08/0872bdf7d7799bd7ff3358c95bc20e8f78475520 09/ 0a/ 0a/0a55bf46aa5356ef0b679c65d829a04441b71bed 0b/ 0c/ 0c/0c1867c1fe3ad6c1a73a3ba317514a3122614f82 0c/0cb207f64214de453b3ea5002f6d26c3c7fb0bbb 0d/ 0e/ 0f/ 0f/0f56c3c8750067dd8a450c0b43822a5c18f8e138 10/ 10/10a3418b470ca6c1ec8a099b29beb846dea3312f 11/ 11/114594d11f69d871e02aea00631367d2002331c6 12/ 12/12837c88aa1e9c63a4d8b0292004cb3d9cacfe87 13/ 13/13ff76555951553a9163a9295c98264f34c5cb86 14/ 14/14bfefbf7ce562d50d49b52c4c8b0e21cbca4647 15/ 15/15e9d07658d39e5d464e9a3776f69ce56f58b0d6 16/ 16/162dc1a8bc9cbc0aafdd3285dfe6d08b4caa0cd8 16/16f48d0268b45cf7a5e4796862662d01b785c04b 17/ 17/170f1576ad43e0f5a88a765ff30a9f4d2516950e 18/ 19/ 19/191cf8a20f5170c2ecb60c8f3b74b8dd10406579 1a/ 1a/1ad7a85ab486597c30f877cc793b4682a94f126a 1b/ 1b/1b0e492e2e699715015d72c3f3898baa33ca6411 1b/1bc0b8b9742571db7861acbac7e92ac0f96c4143 1c/ 1d/ 1d/1d92409e752c96da0b2b4811a99942db38d10dd8 1e/ 1e/1e36f37f4f7e14e34e916294b3fead9b3db7a007 1e/1e7a0bb29d1334ae4c5426985ac3ef0dadaf5fea 1f/ 1f/1f3727b1e4bee889ea21d588074706eb833c4115 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 23/238abdf0d412afa6d005c78917492a42f3ccc5c2 23/23ef9efe4304a77b9c6d9ef4a77d3afb9462d541 24/ 24/2462482429cee9a77d63cdc8a53a8e5841ce3745 24/24842c0297dc90c31b5b383c564a35e47b6238f4 25/ 26/ 27/ 27/27c551f5c2d9f7014ecf49129d504ef2b073b2ab 28/ 29/ 29/291e7876d958bd6f0b1002a8b96c4706a86ca3d6 29/29371afb5c5a8cfde3bc5920bbb111c4e48916ae 2a/ 2a/2a498fe9970081c2525818b6267a849fe9795057 2a/2a60b14f72b484a09b1093e40eb6a80ba4d795e0 2b/ 2c/ 2c/2ce0fd54d5c5d987ac0945f5c575c7d783ecc087 2d/ 2d/2d0d52f391363e18b276579e0475da2621bbd63b 2d/2db9f3dbf5d358504cd051a25b3d85e2fe07bfca 2e/ 2e/2e869bd7425860437b7a3bf33ab7de28fc3e20c2 2f/ 2f/2f0bdeba2d53983ccd3b8934dcb8ec3b488d1b60 30/ 30/30ac4186c114452b5a640e11cc3b9f59bad21e9a 31/ 32/ 32/325ab610f280abb0e46c6345bb14ec7ffd2b5306 33/ 34/ 34/34e1f80584ec27cf3fff9574424433557386c66c 35/ 36/ 36/36d1499e90bd497b2e722b1ff0945e94075e5993 37/ 37/3718820535b09a0bc9cea1cd7914e6dd79341d3d 38/ 38/3847394c58bfdd4be81ea47a11b71ae61b97a3eb 39/ 39/39ffe6fe8e67c7bcd882af1775e0f6c883dc5dd6 3a/ 3a/3a08b8ec6019a1cdf07e53b81735d53d61cce268 3a/3a4efbdb6ededc1d7a563eaed73b02e1ae0eec09 3a/3a871e70e1cadda3c63816e3a3bdb84afc19381d 3b/ 3c/ 3d/ 3e/ 3e/3ea9f43fe0058fdd4b4c492dc2fc4431545fad66 3e/3edaf5cc190c1c1e78568c1d81d836ba849f23e1 3f/ 3f/3f0c564e276672afc239b03f4f4358ca3cbd0681 40/ 41/ 42/ 42/42ab7c21a1d506ff4b172fa590e01574293e2454 43/ 43/438177b4adcf14edc1a87e59add3fa684be65c28 44/ 45/ 46/ 46/468c766e8a3e9f2687e81f99ba4bd4bab7ac43d9 47/ 48/ 49/ 4a/ 4a/4a1ded0a26d0de1ca37279ec9f409c7cf0cda0ba 4a/4a8bdc197536583b6ab52cb2c3c9917d1e47436d 4b/ 4c/ 4d/ 4d/4d012919d064e44a01b9b65469bddba2e53b014e 4d/4d710f60fd091f64104b5b42c8b51e18d7639677 4e/ 4e/4e1b60c92e43cd37c2ddd7d016c11dc07ecaf02e 4f/ 50/ 51/ 52/ 52/52fc3d32f6d286cc61dae05dd02c9a31dad30d61 53/ 53/539c7c6cb416ac3073a4b174bda5f6e279efd6b2 54/ 55/ 55/55cd94d53d1331fdcea8304f6ddb83f0d7560a4b 56/ 56/569093131dacdcbfe1172b5bcde962c5acc3d682 57/ 57/572c05777cda6b5b5b5907435c97114caba665e4 58/ 58/58051277b158d311c25ecae5802bfdd7613a4658 59/ 59/59457d235ca984ab287a404a08622c39571b5b2f 5a/ 5a/5aaed7630bb177273a0f829ce6115d916d955f41 5a/5adab1a89e8dc491ff64c15419a245f762d60ce5 5b/ 5c/ 5d/ 5e/ 5f/ 60/ 61/ 61/610befc1c696439d7e2f7396630712696f7081f1 62/ 62/626716f18d87bc14f44fd51954ff741e49939dfb 63/ 64/ 65/ 65/655d4b36ff120b49c537b2ca13f80adeb942ff9b 66/ 66/66b3cea6f19519e959a65bb2601df8c771d5f019 67/ 67/6783e1696589fbe6b104c6d3f259625e23436f9f 67/67900f6aa81de3b325f3220fd0f95fa68a728977 68/ 68/68c9004bd5260fb211fc86f57de9f698729fe757 69/ 6a/ 6a/6aff2903513bae120701ec89b3b128087d851da8 6b/ 6c/ 6c/6c46591833d462763c7343755137b3c7088fd54c 6d/ 6d/6d0cf1b32b762c6206ebdbafcccf33a7953bc460 6d/6d1b8da1430941a7e4bc5bc748ab8f2a3928eefb 6e/ 6f/ 6f/6f2a4ad58828cfd4bc294100fdb91f697cb7ba16 70/ 70/70aae3fd396c83f400dcbf2cf73089d4b0e64eab 70/70e58808521a4cd03d0f1bc6381b41bfda2f235a 71/ 71/71076323ad2cd0eaa564f59b5788219648dfe789 71/7192104f3cac0367062837b6af0e168236140f7f 72/ 73/ 73/734a2f6d7652d15bde03d114acc589d4c86d7a77 74/ 75/ 76/ 77/ 77/7780464bb0bc4dd1541948e60088c7165a2f0fd8 77/77a6a490d43eb25cd2cd0ff1f25061f50377ab77 78/ 79/ 79/79a113049bbda962dbd4ef351c30f2f640fd4e6e 7a/ 7a/7a729e27bd687dca51453f36a2c0b79a29a2d3db 7b/ 7b/7b379ca884c8cfd718fe668f45c4cd89e2ad6403 7c/ 7c/7cf2ea47490c9fd5fc496bc94368c93e4cf84a16 7d/ 7e/ 7e/7ebbc14b94d03f281fb153181fad6cf8e68a7a04 7e/7ee85da0ecb76a051318bdf163433c56a642e283 7f/ 80/ 81/ 82/ 82/824939eaf599d46b8bee317bf2490f196bee854b 82/82ce986ae9bb6f6ffa3eb93f21d964f8aa207b11 83/ 83/839ca88c188da5cc9048f67f7a77d08fe233e88d 84/ 85/ 85/856f90c906ed3348714e036fc022f2ddb0b60f63 86/ 86/8678a6fe04d7bd079556546cef0bd0327f4dbac2 86/86a2ec96022ab2b31045d60bf7a0036b1ddbe0e7 87/ 87/878c263305add77158388e9b0197bace98b46328 88/ 89/ 89/8987b1e103ec230879428f3bc3a18a4f1db3d3ef 8a/ 8a/8abb20390562528a71bb9f54e3d769fff8f4f1eb 8b/ 8b/8b26a3f6594ba730eabb95edf50ec1e0a93b4200 8c/ 8d/ 8e/ 8e/8efb39aba1411fadb982dd11e419d5408400d213 8f/ 90/ 90/90ea0ea9f92364e6465d0bec4b8ca2c7a648fcd2 91/ 92/ 92/92e44ce3444abba55cd068c5db46fc01b71becc7 93/ 94/ 94/94e8168b5010eeef24e5042036a1f3789f179d97 95/ 96/ 97/ 97/97f717e04a2cd1f0f5dd3661fa15207bf211b55e 98/ 99/ 99/996bbc5bd4b278ca94e69b8d1c8f0c9eff69c4ca 9a/ 9a/9a0c0bce9da87cd58d05552d4e7d5558f877ea36 9b/ 9c/ 9d/ 9e/ 9f/ 9f/9f2e128b5980594a4b5619db511b190fd476ed77 a0/ a0/a0962e11f2d87e503380fe0290e2092584f62464 a1/ a1/a189234ac0440e77b968fdac8e57b9d981e0b2aa a2/ a3/ a3/a3de96b4bfa35bfd892be261b787917ce935e989 a4/ a4/a4bdc8f1df0b5ca2ab9da61a97f70deb7bbca66d a5/ a6/ a7/ a8/ a9/ aa/ ab/ ab/ab198ecf7725d64aacc63babd153676c578fd725 ac/ ac/ac2c9ba103bb56a3f9a58c817af383eff85a0f06 ac/ac6dfaee24413c785e5eae53df13469e4256ed3f ad/ ad/ad893ed186ee93eb453588e077f66aef6565c26e ad/ad8dc4bebbba5f5592098675efc4e9a7bf3626f5 ad/adc83b19e793491b1c6ea0fd8b46cd9f32e592fc ae/ af/ b0/ b1/ b1/b12fdb94a84b5ef26de60d8013ec226d88804a07 b2/ b2/b24cf4855b006b24f655a531b05b98b48c5340a9 b3/ b3/b32ffe9242ccde98d6e19ed4c9dbc053d4a18155 b4/ b5/ b6/ b7/ b8/ b9/ ba/ ba/ba86440bd0fbbda1ec36fe73b22375260191e357 ba/ba9b27b768ae7f0ad33dba169fb23a580b9ab561 bb/ bc/ bd/ bd/bde55ece297aa17703f4cfd69d664ebc4deed068 be/ bf/ c0/ c0/c02b9d41a5f2da2f0ae7eceaf609016ef6f26275 c1/ c1/c10180a9cf6bd731e7d3748ce2d7b9a5bcc98b3d c2/ c2/c2fdaf3a7ba28049c5112914232c45f82a426743 c3/ c3/c3efefdbade43ba1bcf509439fedb507add7270a c4/ c4/c40acfe39cbe014585ac0ca0ce7a295f8f9db509 c4/c4ebc484958810e70391d659609ad17b8c74308e c5/ c6/ c6/c67aae72ff02255d180e2ae4d6fd1788491f229d c6/c6f4ec5ad9bd8a935379060af7df713ce9095ab8 c7/ c7/c7579b277e5013e681a6906c8250d65bb6f2dcd9 c8/ c9/ c9/c9cd1e728855b2f38cceb822bbbda9cc883dbb78 ca/ cb/ cc/ cd/ cd/cdf835c132e5376e8e420055479333a1c3384ec9 cd/cdfe77bf2ad33e1c11c965e9f6b02b68a239dd1e ce/ cf/ cf/cfe4b2f10d695c4d93de3bacfab9f93d96dd3ba0 d0/ d0/d05266fa86294e7b44bf1915009e8ad6971decdb d1/ d2/ d2/d2f341e8623dc4de0523c4531c5eb51dd8f5d9fa d3/ d4/ d4/d4477c41bcdc6a5d04acabc037d4918ae212d677 d4/d490145c80a4d2be159e0ec94d0a5659e0f9b6a9 d5/ d5/d51e9bb8d11563883610be17baf15f1156959d8f d6/ d7/ d7/d761fe30d1fee8c6e5e3e4a548570a999927b9df d7/d7ad420366cead31ef43e82437658c12dc8e5245 d8/ d8/d819ba9448fd4bd3e22e705383ee0ae7235370eb d8/d8f7e8e08cdedeca586ca6dd85e8c11b72df8f90 d9/ d9/d9ed9694051bb136d14595746a9c30a5d6904272 da/ da/da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 db/ dc/ dc/dc12d5011fc923146271605bb7f044d157cebd21 dc/dc5385b77e98b7934ac5098a358b50177528139d dd/ de/ df/ e0/ e0/e006ff0109455a461ecc23b6f10bfd966815050a e0/e088393f35ee82c14da72fa1169eedf7b3b070fd e1/ e2/ e2/e2294572c0809ff8a878f4570c6f8ed23d0a7c29 e2/e2a7dc210fe14034ecae59941f2a5ccccb4102cc e3/ e3/e36fbc5f13d3764e0b70a0e1fc76dbc971be10a2 e4/ e5/ e6/ e7/ e7/e75277f0e43f3d73c2dc5de34e655eda14fa1638 e7/e7872e56ac4f364ee76fc6b16353f6f224925323 e8/ e8/e8d2ac53c254fad3e6da2056e96cb66e85309b90 e9/ ea/ eb/ eb/ebd926cece79121fd98f6e2100e7a21a738d033b ec/ ec/ecb01bbd01eb42eaa9580c3c3aa91c6270ff2486 ed/ ed/eda96bd1d0f9e0af32a97b93ce167351e349dbef ee/ ee/ee97c684de30021b6b300e582300ab324126373a ef/ ef/ef81c1fa052cb6a0b26cdc751c91b66d62c82107 f0/ f0/f0142d8e40af7f290496394ab7ed7ff4632a3d36 f1/ f1/f197e96a2080ae55fa5348a93e75608c79e81e48 f2/ f3/ f4/ f4/f47b1801bf96159c9e9b760b4ff895611b7bda1f f5/ f6/ f7/ f7/f73cd1556449f7544f05a6e8e0b34e1ad499395f f8/ f8/f83d39c70af7b0a3c140c87c4f0372423b76b6fa f9/ f9/f928e07acb22b840d9c9193ae95306dde7d6cd03 f9/f94a33b30f4cf7f5ff105ba8b4472d4fec36f921 f9/f99281908f4a7413e5d2d7054618e62d76d9a6d1 fa/ fa/fa749d3042d39c20c1ee3caff4491d8310101420 fb/ fb/fb2c156c3ed20b866fa7738dbc98378e92179c2e fc/ fd/ fe/ fe/fea5332c6fbf40c78f56e36514adae67e28fc8e0 ff/ sent 4103545 bytes received 4770 bytes 1173804.29 bytes/sec total size is 778563228 speedup is 189.51 + rsync -av i386/repo/publisher/ rsync:// sending incremental file list ./ database%2Fpostgres%2Fbarman-26/ database%2Fpostgres%2Fbarman-26/1.2.3%2C5.11- database%2Fpostgres%2Fbarman-27/ database%2Fpostgres%2Fbarman-27/1.2.3%2C5.11- database%2Fpostgres%2Fbarman-common/ database%2Fpostgres%2Fbarman-common/1.2.3%2C5.11- database%2Fpostgres%2Fbarman/ database%2Fpostgres%2Fbarman/1.2.3%2C5.11- library%2Fpython-2%2Fcherrypy-26/ library%2Fpython-2%2Fcherrypy-26/3.1.2%2C5.11- library%2Fpython-2%2Fcherrypy-27/ library%2Fpython-2%2Fcherrypy-27/3.1.2%2C5.11- library%2Fpython-2%2Fcherrypy/ library%2Fpython-2%2Fcherrypy/3.1.2%2C5.11- library%2Fpython-2%2Fpsycopg2-26/ library%2Fpython-2%2Fpsycopg2-26/2.5.2%2C5.11- library%2Fpython-2%2Fpsycopg2-27/ library%2Fpython-2%2Fpsycopg2-27/2.5.2%2C5.11- library%2Fpython-2%2Fpsycopg2/ library%2Fpython-2%2Fpsycopg2/2.5.2%2C5.11- library%2Fpython-2%2Fpython-dateutil-26/ library%2Fpython-2%2Fpython-dateutil-26/1.5%2C5.11- library%2Fpython-2%2Fpython-dateutil-27/ library%2Fpython-2%2Fpython-dateutil-27/1.5%2C5.11- library%2Fpython-2%2Fpython-dateutil/ library%2Fpython-2%2Fpython-dateutil/1.5%2C5.11- package%2Frpm/ package%2Frpm/0.5.11%2C5.11- system%2Fprerequisite%2Fgnu/ system%2Fprerequisite%2Fgnu/0.5.11%2C5.11- sent 262172 bytes received 973 bytes 526290.00 bytes/sec total size is 51078411 speedup is 194.11 + echo $'Poor man\'s RPC...' Poor man's RPC... + mkdir /tmp/empty.13452 + rsync /tmp/empty.13452/ rsync:// skipping directory . real 20m46.36s user 0m0.00s sys 0m0.00s + rmdir /tmp/empty.13452 + seq 1 300 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + break + pfexec pkg refresh --full Retrieving catalog '' ... Done Caching catalogs ... Done + pfexec pkg install -v pkg:/package/pkg + 1> /tmp/pkg-update.out.13452 + grep 'No updates necessary for this image.' /tmp/pkg-update.out.13452 + 1> /dev/null + pfexec pkg update -v --deny-new-be + 1> /tmp/pkg-update.out.13452 + cat /tmp/pkg-update.out.13452 Startup: Refreshing catalog '' ... Done Startup: Checking that pkg(5) is up to date ... Done Planning: Solver setup ... Done (8.498s) Planning: Running solver ... Done (0.841s) Planning: Finding local manifests ... Done (0.003s) Planning: Fetching manifests: 0/15 0% complete Planning: Fetching manifests: 15/15 100% complete Planning: Package planning ... Done (0.102s) Planning: Merging actions ... Done (0.001s) Planning: Checking for conflicting actions ... Done (2.900s) Planning: Consolidating action changes ... Done (0.004s) Planning: Evaluating mediators ... Done (1.282s) Planning: Planning completed in 16.23 seconds Packages to install: 3 Packages to update: 12 Estimated space available: 51.54 GB Estimated space to be consumed: 330.08 MB Create boot environment: No Create backup boot environment: Yes Rebuild boot archive: No Changed packages: database/postgres/barman-27 None -> 1.2.3- library/python-2/cherrypy-27 None -> 3.1.2- library/python-2/python-dateutil-27 None -> 1.5- database/postgres/barman 1.2.3- -> 1.2.3- database/postgres/barman-26 1.2.3- -> 1.2.3- database/postgres/barman-common 1.2.3- -> 1.2.3- library/python-2/cherrypy 3.1.2- -> 3.1.2- library/python-2/cherrypy-26 3.1.2- -> 3.1.2- library/python-2/psycopg2 2.5.2- -> 2.5.2- library/python-2/psycopg2-26 2.5.2- -> 2.5.2- library/python-2/psycopg2-27 2.5.2- -> 2.5.2- library/python-2/python-dateutil 1.5- -> 1.5- library/python-2/python-dateutil-26 1.5- -> 1.5- package/rpm 0.5.11- -> 0.5.11- system/prerequisite/gnu 0.5.11- -> 0.5.11- Download: 0/249 items 0.0/1.0MB 0% complete Download: Completed 978.32 kB in 0.49 seconds (2.0M/s) Actions: 1/304 actions (Installing new actions) Actions: 291/304 actions (Updating modified actions) Actions: Completed 304 actions in 0.35 seconds. Done (1.837s) Done (0.005s) Done (4.023s) Done (39.532s) Done (3.305s) Done (126.427s) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Please review release notes posted at: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + rm /tmp/pkg-update.out.13452 Finished: SUCCESS