- python/paramiko: update to 3.0.0 (commit: 54a0551) (details)
- yara - useful for the Security Community (v4.2.3) (commit: 0e3513f) (details)
- arpsend - rebuild due to new libnet (commit: 6cf8ba8) (details)
The file was modified | components/python/paramiko/pkg5 (diff) |
The file was modified | components/python/paramiko/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/python/paramiko/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/python/paramiko/paramiko-PYVER.p5m (diff) |
The file was added | components/sysutils/yara/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m |
The file was added | components/sysutils/yara/Makefile |
The file was added | components/sysutils/yara/yara.p5m |
The file was added | components/sysutils/yara/pkg5 |
The file was added | components/sysutils/yara/test/results-all.master |
The file was modified | components/cluster/arpsend/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/cluster/arpsend/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/cluster/arpsend/arpsend.p5m (diff) |