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  1. Fix library/gcr buildng with 64bit glib binaries (commit: 1f5f8a2) (details)
  2. samba - update to version 4.17.6 (commit: 18348b3) (details)
  3. double-conversion: add math support for SPARC (commit: c0e0931) (details)
Commit 1f5f8a202af95fd4c0f626eef6a512f49349bd3b by noreply
Fix library/gcr buildng with 64bit glib binaries

(commit: 1f5f8a2)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/gcr/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/gcr/Makefile (diff)
Commit 18348b31212eb4a3010b1ed18449f878fe257556 by noreply
samba - update to version 4.17.6

(commit: 18348b3)
The file was modifiedcomponents/network/samba/Makefile (diff)
Commit c0e0931575ffb45d7f5ece3feb07b4eb209c7952 by noreply
double-conversion: add math support for SPARC

(commit: c0e0931)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/double-conversion/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/double-conversion/pkg5 (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/double-conversion/Makefile (diff)