The file was modified components/libevent/Makefile (diff) The file was added components/libevent/patches/CVE-2014-6272.patch The file was added components/ghostscript/patches/CVE-2014-8158.patch The file was added components/ghostscript/patches/CVE-2014-8137.patch The file was added components/ghostscript/patches/CVE-2014-9029.patch The file was added components/ghostscript/patches/CVE-2014-8157.patch The file was added components/ghostscript/patches/CVE-2014-8138.patch The file was modified components/ghostscript/Makefile (diff) The file was modified components/mariadb-55/mariadb-55test.p5m (diff) The file was modified components/mariadb-55/mariadb-55lib.p5m (diff) The file was modified components/mariadb-55/Makefile (diff) The file was modified components/mariadb-55/mariadb-55.p5m (diff) The file was modified components/jsl/jsl.p5m (diff) The file was modified components/jsl/Makefile (diff) The file was modified components/components.ignore (diff) The file was modified components/jsl/patches/jsl-03-Makefile.patch (diff) The file was modified make-rules/ (diff) The file was modified components/emacs/Makefile (diff) The file was modified components/ghostscript/Makefile (diff) The file was modified components/p7zip/Makefile (diff) The file was modified components/mercurial/Makefile (diff) The file was modified components/bash/Makefile (diff) The file was modified doc/makefile-variables.txt (diff) The file was modified components/isc-dhcp/Makefile (diff) The file was modified components/net-snmp/Makefile (diff) The file was modified make-rules/ (diff) The file was modified make-rules/ (diff) The file was modified make-rules/ (diff) The file was modified make-rules/ (diff) The file was modified components/ncurses/Makefile (diff) The file was modified make-rules/ (diff) The file was modified make-rules/ (diff) The file was modified components/mpc/Makefile (diff) The file was modified components/tomcat/Makefile (diff) The file was added components/diffstat/diffstat.p5m The file was added components/diffstat/test/results-32.master The file was added components/diffstat/Makefile The file was added components/diffstat/diffstat.license The file was added components/diffstat/resolve.deps The file was added components/lynx/lynx.p5m The file was added components/lynx/patches/01-locale.patch The file was added components/lynx/Makefile The file was added components/lynx/resolve.deps The file was added components/lynx/test/results-32.master