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  1. Add fftw-3 from sfw-gate, update to 3.3.4 (commit: 11c52d2) (details)
  2. Rebuild imagemagick due to fftw-3 bump (commit: f4ffd2e) (details)
Commit 11c52d235c06e5a1e88e819375a17452545e4354 by apyhalov
Add fftw-3 from sfw-gate, update to 3.3.4
(commit: 11c52d2)
The file was addedcomponents/fftw-3/Makefile
The file was addedcomponents/fftw-3/fftw-3.p5m
The file was addedcomponents/fftw-3/files/libfftw3.3.sunman
Commit f4ffd2ef5e862a3b88fd06431b040e0d9c029926 by apyhalov
Rebuild imagemagick due to fftw-3 bump
(commit: f4ffd2e)
The file was modifiedcomponents/imagemagick/Makefile (diff)