The file was removed | components/php-5_3/imap/patches/01_imap_Makefile.patch |
The file was removed | components/php-5_3/imap/patches/02_imap_unix_Makefile.patch |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_2/php-sapi/Makefile |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_2/suhosin/Makefile |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_3/php-tcpwrap.p5m |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_3/memcache/depend.mk |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_2/imap/patches/04_imap_flocksim.c.patch |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_3/php-mysql.license |
The file was removed | components/php-5_3/Solaris/php-memcache-stats.conf |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_2/memcache-zts/depend.mk |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_2/php-sapi/patches-other/pear_php_config.patch |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_3/APC/depend.mk |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_2/php-apc.p5m |
The file was removed | components/php-5_3/php-sapi/patches-other/php_ini.patch |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_3/php-suhosin.license |
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The file was removed | components/php-common/php-common.p5m |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_3/php-sapi/patches/031_php_Makefile.global.patch |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_2/imap/patches/03_imap_os_soln.h.patch |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_2/suhosin-zts/depend.mk |
The file was removed | components/php-5_2/php-52.p5m |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_2/tcpwrap/depend.mk |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_2/Solaris/php5.2.conf |
The file was removed | components/php-5_3/idn/Makefile |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_3/suhosin-zts/Makefile |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_3/php-sapi/depend.mk |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_3/php-sapi/patches/052_php_6818228.patch |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_2/xdebug-zts/Makefile |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_3/imap/Makefile |
The file was removed | components/php-5_2/tcpwrap-zts/Makefile |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_2/imap/patches/02_imap_unix_Makefile.patch |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_2/php-sapi/patches-other/php_ini.patch |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_2/php-sapi/patches-other/pear_pecl.patch |
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The file was removed | components/php-5_3/php-idn.license |
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The file was modified | components/php-5_6/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/php-5_6-apache24/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/php-5_6-ext-pdo_mysql/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/php-5_5-ext-pgsql/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/php-5_6-ext-mysql/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/php-5_5-apache24/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/php-5_5-ext-pdo_mysql/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/php-5_5-ext-mysql/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/php-5_6-ext-pgsql/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/php-5_5-ext-mysqli/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/php-5_6-ext-mysqli/Makefile (diff) |