The file was added | components/sysutils/fio/patches/04-makefile-paths.patch |
The file was added | components/sysutils/fio/patches/02-makefile-cflags.patch |
The file was added | components/sysutils/fio/Makefile |
The file was added | components/sysutils/fio/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m |
The file was added | components/sysutils/fio/patches/01-fio2gnuplot-manpage.patch |
The file was added | components/sysutils/fio/patches/03-py27.patch |
The file was added | components/sysutils/fio/patches/05-os-solaris.h.patch |
The file was added | components/sysutils/fio/fio.p5m |
The file was modified | components/web/firefox/Makefile (diff) |
The file was added | components/web/firefox/patches/19-uname.patch |
The file was added | components/library/libmicrohttpd/patches/01-configure.ac.patch |
The file was modified | components/library/libmicrohttpd/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/library/libmicrohttpd/libmicrohttpd.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/library/libmicrohttpd/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/mail/claws-mail/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/mail/claws-mail/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/mail/claws-mail/patches/01-fix-passing-options-to-ld.patch (diff) |
The file was added | components/mail/claws-mail/patches/02-git_version.patch |
The file was modified | components/mail/claws-mail/claws-mail.p5m (diff) |