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  1. Added: Golang 1.11.4 (commit: da33d32) (details)
Commit da33d32dad2e8b58bc02e6035f5a74eb8b7aa714 by Andreas Wacknitz
Added: Golang 1.11.4
* Added: Golang 1.11.2

* Updated to go 1.11.4

* Cleanup missed a command in installscript when switched from
bootstraping with 1.4.3 to compiling with a previous go

* Fixup: The find command was no leftover from Bootstrap Removal..., But
rather the command to copy the sources into GoRoot

* Add Comment for later
(commit: da33d32)
The file was addedcomponents/developer/golang-111/Makefile
The file was addedcomponents/developer/golang-111/golang.license
The file was addedcomponents/developer/golang-111/golang.p5m
The file was addedcomponents/developer/golang-111/patches/0602-update-list-of-syscall-numbers.patch
The file was addedcomponents/developer/golang-111/golang-111.p5m
The file was addedcomponents/developer/golang-111/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m
The file was addedcomponents/developer/golang-111/patches/01-golang-gdb-python-test.patch
The file was addedcomponents/developer/golang-111/patches/02_Dup2_golang10.patch