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  1. Obsolete library/gnutls v2 (commit: f1717ec) (details)
  2. Move gnutls-3 to standard paths, update to 3.5.19 (commit: cc7de62) (details)
  3. Update xmlsec to 1.2.29, drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: e9aeaa2) (details)
  4. Update wireshark to 2.2.17, drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: fcbb98b) (details)
  5. vino: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: 1a28add) (details)
  6. Update gtk-vnc to 0.7.2, drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: 4c264df) (details)
  7. Pacemaker: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: 4a38c41) (details)
  8. Update yaz to 5.28.0, drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: 19b1ac6) (details)
  9. samba: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: 0df87da) (details)
  10. claws-mail: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: 0ebb0b0) (details)
  11. rsyslog: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: 05e08e8) (details)
  12. glib-networking: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: 86801c2) (details)
  13. libmicrohttpd: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: 337b0c3) (details)
  14. TigerVNC: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: 92e8c77) (details)
  15. GnuPG: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: 8e3ecd5) (details)
  16. rdesktop: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: 26b9029) (details)
  17. Emacs: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: 3683eee) (details)
  18. aria2: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: 7730761) (details)
  19. mate-terminal: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: b3da1bd) (details)
  20. libsmbclient: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: 2276d3b) (details)
  21. Update vte-291 to 0.54.5, drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: e501ab2) (details)
  22. webkitgtk: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling (commit: 5b00d43) (details)
  23. library/gnutls: Fix wrong (unpublished) history file (commit: e60edfc) (details)
  24. nodejs-10: update to 10.18.1 (commit: 250f1d9) (details)
  25. Update GNU Texinfo to 6.7 (commit: 62ff374) (details)
  26. bash-completion: pkg: let 'apply-hot-fix' complete .p5p archives (commit: e161318) (details)
  27. Update libsigsegv to 2.12 (commit: 537ca42) (details)
  28. Update Bison to 3.5 (commit: 4d23f92) (details)
  29. Update gstreamer1 to 1.16.2 (commit: 221cc4c) (details)
  30. Update gstreamer-plugins-good to 1.16.2 (commit: 46853b0) (details)
Commit f1717ec45c2a4a5c1905d1ab852df70866822709 by mnowak
Obsolete library/gnutls v2
(commit: f1717ec)
The file was removedcomponents/library/gnutls/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m
The file was modifiedcomponents/meta-packages/history/history (diff)
The file was removedcomponents/library/gnutls/patches/12-CVE-2017-5336.patch
The file was removedcomponents/library/gnutls/Makefile
The file was removedcomponents/library/gnutls/patches/13-CVE-2017-5337.patch
The file was removedcomponents/library/gnutls/patches/14-CVE-2017-7869.patch
The file was removedcomponents/library/gnutls/patches/11-CVE-2017-5335.patch
The file was removedcomponents/library/gnutls/gnutls.p5m
The file was removedcomponents/library/gnutls/patches/08-not-build-docs.patch
The file was removedcomponents/library/gnutls/patches/10-use_gnutls_global_set_time.patch
The file was removedcomponents/library/gnutls/patches/
The file was removedcomponents/library/gnutls/patches/01-not-build-example.patch
Commit cc7de62384731b49040945c8635a4f407970ab23 by mnowak
Move gnutls-3 to standard paths, update to 3.5.19
(commit: cc7de62)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/gnutls-3/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/gnutls-3/patches/02_remove_elliptical.patch (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/gnutls-3/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/gnutls-3/gnutls-3.p5m (diff)
Commit e9aeaa2676505dd34730a2466fdc90298a5dfd7b by mnowak
Update xmlsec to 1.2.29, drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: e9aeaa2)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/xmlsec/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/xmlsec/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/xmlsec/xmlsec.p5m (diff)
Commit fcbb98beb9204cdf8cfabacdea4368e013ad1cf9 by mnowak
Update wireshark to 2.2.17, drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: fcbb98b)
The file was modifiedcomponents/sysutils/wireshark/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/sysutils/wireshark/wireshark-common.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/sysutils/wireshark/wireshark.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/sysutils/wireshark/Makefile (diff)
Commit 1a28add7c2febc127cfa9008d30896e056f2b20c by mnowak
vino: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: 1a28add)
The file was modifiedcomponents/desktop/gnome3/vino/Makefile (diff)
Commit 4c264df50e20772c0c163fd5c4aace422fcce939 by mnowak
Update gtk-vnc to 0.7.2, drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: 4c264df)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/gtk-vnc/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/gtk-vnc/gtk-vnc.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/gtk-vnc/Makefile (diff)
Commit 4a38c4130d539184633a1cff0edf11c5050375b5 by mnowak
Pacemaker: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: 4a38c41)
The file was modifiedcomponents/cluster/pacemaker/Makefile (diff)
Commit 19b1ac62b231e90ff2efe033616ac362137a1794 by mnowak
Update yaz to 5.28.0, drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: 19b1ac6)
The file was modifiedcomponents/database/yaz/Makefile (diff)
Commit 0df87da61e92cbc46f274aa4c985f5eac85662e1 by mnowak
samba: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: 0df87da)
The file was modifiedcomponents/network/samba/Makefile (diff)
Commit 0ebb0b0aff6e55844fefd594ddd8df0d9be5f06d by mnowak
claws-mail: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: 0ebb0b0)
The file was modifiedcomponents/mail/claws-mail/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/mail/claws-mail/claws-mail.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/mail/claws-mail/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
Commit 05e08e898f933c2f9ec1b024f1aa5980e1ffb773 by mnowak
rsyslog: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: 05e08e8)
The file was modifiedcomponents/sysutils/rsyslog/Makefile (diff)
Commit 86801c216d91045165914da0bf8d8a649fa6821e by mnowak
glib-networking: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: 86801c2)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/glib-networking/Makefile (diff)
Commit 337b0c31ab1634b0d0184433cf04d206f3eebba1 by mnowak
libmicrohttpd: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: 337b0c3)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/libmicrohttpd/Makefile (diff)
Commit 92e8c77943ea0b0c3ffa44015f4320aed26e3168 by mnowak
TigerVNC: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: 92e8c77)
The file was modifiedcomponents/x11/tigervnc/Makefile (diff)
Commit 8e3ecd5b1cd2d7ba4ef320d7145556e74dab1035 by mnowak
GnuPG: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: 8e3ecd5)
The file was modifiedcomponents/sysutils/gnupg/Makefile (diff)
Commit 26b902933ff41881a3c26e2b5980216a1a3b8660 by mnowak
rdesktop: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: 26b9029)
The file was modifiedcomponents/desktop/rdesktop/Makefile (diff)
Commit 3683eeeb16f029545a1abef98c1ad342dabc77c5 by mnowak
Emacs: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: 3683eee)
The file was modifiedcomponents/editor/emacs/Makefile (diff)
Commit 77307614d8baf1b292f8808a7bc0e43563030705 by mnowak
aria2: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: 7730761)
The file was modifiedcomponents/web/aria2/Makefile (diff)
Commit b3da1bdbb2a757fa1662f435cd4e7e4f2b5f9bc4 by mnowak
mate-terminal: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: b3da1bd)
The file was modifiedcomponents/desktop/mate/mate-terminal/Makefile (diff)
Commit 2276d3b8dc93d70d8ec6b4ce3a00aa769c91683e by mnowak
libsmbclient: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: 2276d3b)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/libsmbclient/Makefile (diff)
Commit e501ab29a3fdd68fe8b4fc941569944c769ce52b by mnowak
Update vte-291 to 0.54.5, drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: e501ab2)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/vte-291/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/vte-291/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/vte-291/vte-291.p5m (diff)
Commit 5b00d4327004850eefa2e6a7d0cefce7f66cca49 by mnowak
webkitgtk: drop special GNU TLS 3 handling
(commit: 5b00d43)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/webkitgtk/Makefile (diff)
Commit e60edfc140cf1956dced63a073451d3e9855e69d by mnowak
library/gnutls: Fix wrong (unpublished) history file
(commit: e60edfc)
The file was modifiedcomponents/meta-packages/history/history (diff)
Commit 250f1d9784d1a1bc5d1037154f934475e51708ca by noreply
nodejs-10: update to 10.18.1
(commit: 250f1d9)
The file was modifiedcomponents/runtime/node10/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/text/texinfo/test/results-all.master (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/text/texinfo/texinfo.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/text/texinfo/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/text/texinfo/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
Commit e1613181badbfad91edde3ef8ed2fb6be75b1fe9 by mnowak
bash-completion: pkg: let 'apply-hot-fix' complete .p5p archives
(commit: e161318)
The file was modifiedcomponents/shell/bash-completion/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/libsigsegv/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/libsigsegv/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/libsigsegv/libsigsegv.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/developer/bison/patches/01-shared-ly.patch (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/developer/bison/test/results-all.master (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/developer/bison/Makefile (diff)
Commit 221cc4c8c439d733aa8ae10f8bc75fa6f631bb47 by mnowak
Update gstreamer1 to 1.16.2
(commit: 221cc4c)
The file was modifiedcomponents/multimedia/gstreamer1/test/results-32.master (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/multimedia/gstreamer1/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/multimedia/gstreamer1/gstreamer1.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/multimedia/gstreamer1/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was addedcomponents/multimedia/gstreamer1/patches/02-tests-remove-system-dependent-tests.patch
Commit 46853b01f07b4ee4fffe564d98469c01dbea9ebc by mnowak
Update gstreamer-plugins-good to 1.16.2
(commit: 46853b0)
The file was addedcomponents/multimedia/gst-plugins-base1/patches/01-filio.patch
The file was removedcomponents/multimedia/gst-plugins-base1/patches/01.filio.patch
The file was modifiedcomponents/multimedia/gst-plugins-base1/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/multimedia/gst-plugins-base1/gst-plugins-base1.p5m (diff)
The file was addedcomponents/multimedia/gst-plugins-base1/patches/02-test.patch
The file was modifiedcomponents/multimedia/gst-plugins-base1/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)