The file was modified | make-rules/ips.mk (diff) |
The file was modified | transforms/python-3-soabi (diff) |
The file was modified | make-rules/shared-macros.mk (diff) |
The file was modified | components/network/samba/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | transforms/python-3-no-32bit (diff) |
The file was modified | components/python/six/Makefile (diff) |
The file was added | components/python/six/manifests/generic-manifest.p5m |
The file was modified | components/python/six/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/python/six/six-PYVER.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/python/six/pkg5 (diff) |
The file was modified | components/developer/gcc-7/Makefile (diff) |
The file was added | components/developer/gcc-7/patches/0029-Use-the-illumos-libc-SSP-implementation-for-fstack-p.patch |
The file was added | components/developer/gcc-8/patches/0029-Use-the-illumos-libc-SSP-implementation-for-fstack-p.patch |
The file was modified | components/developer/gcc-8/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/developer/gcc-9/Makefile (diff) |
The file was added | components/developer/gcc-9/patches/0035-Use-the-illumos-libc-SSP-implementation-for-fstack-p.patch |
The file was modified | components/developer/gcc-10/Makefile (diff) |
The file was added | components/developer/gcc-10/patches/0029-Use-the-illumos-libc-SSP-implementation-for-fstack-p.patch |