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  1. add openjdk-11 path to the ignore list (commit: c7e315f) (details)
  2. components.ignore: Clearify comment and cleanup (commit: 581c72c) (details)
  3. tools/perl-integrate-module: extract Copyright notice from LICENCE section of source files too (commit: dbf2442) (details)
  4. perl/Test-Warn: rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted (commit: 9e9e0b0) (details)
  5. perl/Text-Glob: rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted (commit: 768ca53) (details)
  6. perl/Try-Tiny: rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted (commit: a39d538) (details)
  7. perl/URI: update to 5.12; rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted (commit: 46fb38b) (details)
  8. perl/Variable-Magic: rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted (commit: 723fcf0) (details)
  9. tools/perl-integrate-module: support for -u (upgrade_only) option (commit: b8bb9c5) (details)
  10. sqlite: update to 3.39.1 (commit: 7db8985) (details)
  11. Added pystring-1.1.3 (commit: d124585) (details)
  12. Added pybind11-2.9.2 (commit: ad0ad67) (details)
  13. tig: update to 2.5.6 (commit: cda7be3) (details)
  14. perl/File-Listing: update to 6.15; rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted (commit: c99505b) (details)
  15. tools/perl-integrate-module: support for hook-manifest snippet (commit: 56e9a51) (details)
  16. perl/Font-TTF: update to 1.06; rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted (commit: 6dab75f) (details)
  17. perl/Module-Build-Tiny: change version format; rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted (commit: 3a50bed) (details)
  18. tools/perl-integrate-module: try to extract Copyright notice from COPYING section too (commit: 9c22f53) (details)
  19. perl/Net-Server: change version format; rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted (commit: 327a16c) (details)
  20. perl/Number-Compare: change version format; rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted (commit: 6560cf8) (details)
  21. perl/PAR-Dist: rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted (commit: 9c603fa) (details)
Commit c7e315fa717acf7ff7c304c058dab5a6e67e5133 by noreply
add openjdk-11 path to the ignore list

(commit: c7e315f)
The file was modifiedcomponents/components.ignore (diff)
Commit 581c72c20997595b688944ae481e2e38a28353c7 by noreply
components.ignore: Clearify comment and cleanup

(commit: 581c72c)
The file was modifiedcomponents/components.ignore (diff)
Commit dbf2442dcb88413c33a949be8238d1419efc9a1d by noreply
tools/perl-integrate-module: extract Copyright notice from LICENCE section of source files too

(commit: dbf2442)
The file was modifiedtools/perl-integrate-module (diff)
Commit 9e9e0b0344df027c7d779ff08616119a8753bb0f by noreply
perl/Test-Warn: rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted

(commit: 9e9e0b0)
The file was addedcomponents/perl/Test-Warn/history
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Test-Warn/Test-Warn.license (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Test-Warn/pkg5 (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Test-Warn/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Test-Warn/test/results-all.master (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Test-Warn/Test-Warn-PERLVER.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Test-Warn/Makefile (diff)
Commit 768ca53d3018d74b3a39fb09c67f924dddf5c9d4 by noreply
perl/Text-Glob: rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted

(commit: 768ca53)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Text-Glob/Text-Glob.license (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Text-Glob/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was addedcomponents/perl/Text-Glob/history
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Text-Glob/pkg5 (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Text-Glob/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Text-Glob/Text-Glob-PERLVER.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Text-Glob/test/results-all.master (diff)
Commit a39d538fe3554b7690eabf4641b64d26a9e76b05 by noreply
perl/Try-Tiny: rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted

(commit: a39d538)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Try-Tiny/Try-Tiny-PERLVER.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Try-Tiny/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was removedcomponents/perl/Try-Tiny/test/results-5.24-64.master
The file was addedcomponents/perl/Try-Tiny/test/results-all.master
The file was removedcomponents/perl/Try-Tiny/Try-Tiny.license
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Try-Tiny/pkg5 (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Try-Tiny/Makefile (diff)
The file was addedcomponents/perl/Try-Tiny/history
The file was removedcomponents/perl/Try-Tiny/test/results-5.22-32.master
The file was removedcomponents/perl/Try-Tiny/test/results-5.34-64.master
Commit 46fb38baf9fc90edaddb59ca5b6678b2f7f2ec0c by noreply
perl/URI: update to 5.12; rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted

(commit: 46fb38b)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/URI/test/results-all.master (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/URI/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/URI/URI-PERLVER.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/URI/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/URI/history (diff)
The file was removedcomponents/perl/URI/URI.license
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/URI/pkg5 (diff)
Commit 723fcf0aeab98a07ca7431ad97adf43aa9278c17 by noreply
perl/Variable-Magic: rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted

(commit: 723fcf0)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Variable-Magic/Variable-Magic.license (diff)
The file was addedcomponents/perl/Variable-Magic/test/results-all.master
The file was removedcomponents/perl/Variable-Magic/test/results-5.22.master
The file was removedcomponents/perl/Variable-Magic/test/results-5.24.master
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Variable-Magic/Variable-Magic-PERLVER.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Variable-Magic/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Variable-Magic/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was removedcomponents/perl/Variable-Magic/test/results-5.34.master
The file was addedcomponents/perl/Variable-Magic/history
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Variable-Magic/pkg5 (diff)
Commit b8bb9c5ebd07c66f140e8e6faf94d62c3de4ab17 by noreply
tools/perl-integrate-module: support for -u (upgrade_only) option

(commit: b8bb9c5)
The file was modifiedtools/perl-integrate-module (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/database/sqlite/Makefile (diff)
The file was addedcomponents/library/pystring/patches/01-Makefile.patch
The file was addedcomponents/library/pystring/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m
The file was addedcomponents/library/pystring/pkg5
The file was addedcomponents/library/pystring/pystring.p5m
The file was addedcomponents/library/pystring/Makefile
The file was addedcomponents/python/pybind11/Makefile
The file was addedcomponents/python/pybind11/pkg5
The file was addedcomponents/python/pybind11/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m
The file was addedcomponents/python/pybind11/pybind11.p5m
The file was modifiedcomponents/developer/tig/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/developer/tig/tig.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/developer/tig/Makefile (diff)
Commit c99505b6ec143b9d286fe27b7877f5ae20210269 by noreply
perl/File-Listing: update to 6.15; rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted

(commit: c99505b)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/File-Listing/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/File-Listing/test/results-all.master (diff)
The file was removedcomponents/perl/File-Listing/File-Listing.license
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/File-Listing/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/File-Listing/pkg5 (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/File-Listing/File-Listing-PERLVER.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/File-Listing/history (diff)
Commit 56e9a510d91da6fb88ffdaa3c78a15d118a8a1eb by noreply
tools/perl-integrate-module: support for hook-manifest snippet

(commit: 56e9a51)
The file was modifiedtools/perl-integrate-module (diff)
Commit 6dab75f000977e225ef0d78833fd7dab50e4118a by noreply
perl/Font-TTF: update to 1.06; rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted

(commit: 6dab75f)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Font-TTF/Font-TTF-PERLVER.p5m (diff)
The file was removedcomponents/perl/Font-TTF/patches/defined-array.patch
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Font-TTF/pkg5 (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Font-TTF/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was addedcomponents/perl/Font-TTF/history
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Font-TTF/Makefile (diff)
The file was removedcomponents/perl/Font-TTF/Font-TTF.license
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Font-TTF/test/results-all.master (diff)
Commit 3a50beddb1d7479f4d403f357b885daa420368f6 by noreply
perl/Module-Build-Tiny: change version format; rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted

(commit: 3a50bed)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Module-Build-Tiny/pkg5 (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Module-Build-Tiny/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Module-Build-Tiny/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was removedcomponents/perl/Module-Build-Tiny/Module-Build-Tiny.license
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Module-Build-Tiny/Module-Build-Tiny-PERLVER.p5m (diff)
The file was addedcomponents/perl/Module-Build-Tiny/history
Commit 9c22f5342deb98d4fcb6642c7039267074e2b75b by noreply
tools/perl-integrate-module: try to extract Copyright notice from COPYING section too

(commit: 9c22f53)
The file was modifiedtools/perl-integrate-module (diff)
Commit 327a16c3374867f1d21485963b1fcc32410b555e by noreply
perl/Net-Server: change version format; rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted

(commit: 327a16c)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Net-Server/Makefile (diff)
The file was removedcomponents/perl/Net-Server/Net-Server.license
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Net-Server/test/results-all.master (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Net-Server/Net-Server-PERLVER.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Net-Server/pkg5 (diff)
The file was addedcomponents/perl/Net-Server/history
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Net-Server/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
Commit 6560cf8889225853eb73af5ab37ab092cf2b753c by noreply
perl/Number-Compare: change version format; rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted

(commit: 6560cf8)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Number-Compare/Number-Compare-PERLVER.p5m (diff)
The file was addedcomponents/perl/Number-Compare/history
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Number-Compare/pkg5 (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Number-Compare/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Number-Compare/Number-Compare.license (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Number-Compare/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Number-Compare/test/results-all.master (diff)
Commit 9c603fac870802c173207bfb88bd712f8178e7e4 by noreply
perl/PAR-Dist: rebuild for perl 5.36 and to get packages for perl 5.22 and 5.24 obsoleted

(commit: 9c603fa)
The file was removedcomponents/perl/PAR-Dist/PAR-Dist.license
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/PAR-Dist/test/results-all.master (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/PAR-Dist/PAR-Dist-PERLVER.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/PAR-Dist/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/PAR-Dist/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was addedcomponents/perl/PAR-Dist/history
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/PAR-Dist/pkg5 (diff)