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  1. perl/Alien-Build: update to 2.73 (commit: 6553579) (details)
  2. recursively resolve test dependencies (commit: b8fe876) (details)
  3. libXft: update to 2.3.7 (commit: d436b08) (details)
  4. libXdmcp: update to 1.1.4 (commit: 52a51d8) (details)
  5. transforms: properly anchor some drop rules so we do not drop what we do not want to drop (commit: 43e47b6) (details)
  6. python/poetry-core: rebuild to include *.lark files in the package (commit: ee9a35f) (details)
  7. libpng16: update to 1.6.39 (commit: 6596c08) (details)
  8. pari: update to 2.15.1 (commit: 08667f4) (details)
  9. libXrandr: update to 1.5.3 (commit: afc36f0) (details)
  10. libXpm: update to 3.5.14, drop old libXpm.3lib and 32 bit apps (commit: 6bf6a89) (details)
Commit 65535795d3a837800e5eb59e06bd0fa34bae8086 by noreply
perl/Alien-Build: update to 2.73

(commit: 6553579)
The file was modifiedcomponents/perl/Alien-Build/Makefile (diff)
Commit b8fe876054cc5be7523d742e0c1037f1f30191ae by noreply recursively resolve test dependencies

(commit: b8fe876)
The file was modifiedmake-rules/ (diff)
The file was addedtools/python-resolve-deps
The file was modifiedcomponents/x11/libXft/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/x11/libXdmcp/libxdmcp.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/x11/libXdmcp/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/x11/libXdmcp/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/x11/libXdmcp/pkg5 (diff)
Commit 43e47b629e32a89fe3c5c6bb88f115e57da163fd by noreply
transforms: properly anchor some drop rules so we do not drop what we do not want to drop

(commit: 43e47b6)
The file was modifiedtransforms/libtool-drop (diff)
The file was modifiedtransforms/archive-libraries-drop (diff)
Commit ee9a35f16a5b89dbbc6a789c2223b81dda1105e1 by noreply
python/poetry-core: rebuild to include *.lark files in the package

(commit: ee9a35f)
The file was modifiedcomponents/python/poetry-core/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/libpng16/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/library/libpng16/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/scientific/pari/test/results-all.master (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/scientific/pari/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/x11/libXrandr/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/x11/libXrandr/libXrandr.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/x11/libXrandr/pkg5 (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/x11/libXrandr/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was removedcomponents/x11/libXrandr/libXrandr.license
Commit 6bf6a8943daf421965bcde8dfa84a3beb5daebd9 by noreply
libXpm: update to 3.5.14, drop old libXpm.3lib and 32 bit apps

(commit: 6bf6a89)
The file was modifiedcomponents/x11/libXpm/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/x11/libXpm/libXpm.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/x11/libXpm/pkg5 (diff)
The file was removedcomponents/x11/libXpm/srcs/man/libXpm.3lib
The file was removedcomponents/x11/libXpm/libXpm.license
The file was modifiedcomponents/x11/libXpm/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)