The file was modified | components/library/goffice/goffice.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/library/goffice/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/library/goffice/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/desktop/gnumeric/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/desktop/gnumeric/pkg5 (diff) |
The file was modified | components/desktop/gnumeric/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/desktop/gnumeric/test/results-all.master (diff) |
The file was added | components/python/requests-toolbelt/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m |
The file was added | components/python/requests-toolbelt/Makefile |
The file was added | components/python/requests-toolbelt/python-integrate-project.conf |
The file was added | components/python/requests-toolbelt/pkg5 |
The file was added | components/python/requests-toolbelt/requests-toolbelt-PYVER.p5m |
The file was added | components/python/readme_renderer/pkg5 |
The file was added | components/python/readme_renderer/Makefile |
The file was added | components/python/readme_renderer/readme_renderer-PYVER.p5m |
The file was added | components/python/readme_renderer/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m |
The file was added | components/python/zope.testrunner/test/results-3.9.master |
The file was modified | components/python/zope.testrunner/python-integrate-project.conf (diff) |
The file was added | components/python/zope.testrunner/test/results-3.7.master |
The file was modified | components/python/zope.testrunner/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/python/zope.testrunner/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/python/zope.testrunner/zope.testrunner-PYVER.p5m (diff) |
The file was added | components/python/rfc3986/rfc3986-PYVER.p5m |
The file was added | components/python/rfc3986/test/results-3.7.master |
The file was added | components/python/rfc3986/test/results-3.9.master |
The file was added | components/python/rfc3986/Makefile |
The file was added | components/python/rfc3986/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m |
The file was added | components/python/rfc3986/pkg5 |
The file was modified | components/python/tox/Makefile (diff) |
The file was added | components/python/zc.lockfile/test/results-all.master |
The file was modified | make-rules/meson.mk (diff) |
The file was modified | components/python/cheroot/pkg5 (diff) |
The file was modified | components/python/cheroot/cheroot-PYVER.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/python/cheroot/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/python/cheroot/Makefile (diff) |
The file was removed | components/python/cheroot/cheroot-GENFRAG.p5m |
The file was modified | components/python/cheroot/history (diff) |
The file was removed | components/python/cheroot/manifests/generic-manifest.p5m |
The file was added | components/python/cheroot/patches/01-tox-pytest.patch |
The file was added | components/python/cheroot/python-integrate-project.conf |
The file was added | components/python/keyrings.alt/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m |
The file was added | components/python/keyrings.alt/pkg5 |
The file was added | components/python/keyrings.alt/keyrings.alt-PYVER.p5m |
The file was added | components/python/keyrings.alt/Makefile |
The file was added | components/python/keyrings.alt/python-integrate-project.conf |
The file was removed | components/print/hplip/patches/04_pstotiff.patch |
The file was removed | components/print/hplip/cache.ksh |
The file was removed | components/print/hplip/patches/07_facls.detect.patch |
The file was added | components/print/hplip/patches/03_core_install.patch |
The file was added | components/print/hplip/patches/00_autoreconf.patch |
The file was removed | components/print/hplip/patches/11_hpmudi.h.bzero.patch |
The file was removed | components/print/hplip/patches/09_nonGNUlibc.patch |
The file was removed | components/print/hplip/patches/14_sane.usleep.patch |
The file was removed | components/print/hplip/patches/13_mdns.c.prototypes.patch |
The file was modified | components/print/hplip/pkg5 (diff) |
The file was removed | components/print/hplip/patches/12_pcardext.c.alloca.patch |
The file was modified | components/print/hplip/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff) |
The file was added | components/print/hplip/patches/05_ImageProcessor.patch |
The file was removed | components/print/hplip/patches/08_posix.ps.patch |
The file was removed | components/print/hplip/patches/15_MacCommon.h.patch |
The file was added | components/print/hplip/patches/01_createPPD.sh.patch |
The file was removed | components/print/hplip/patches/10_createPPD.sh.gnuisms.patch |
The file was added | components/print/hplip/patches/04_posix.ps.patch |
The file was removed | components/print/hplip/patches/17_hppsfilter.c.getdomainname.patch |
The file was removed | components/print/hplip/patches/01_build.patch |
The file was removed | components/print/hplip/patches/06_hpfax.patch |
The file was removed | components/print/hplip/patches/16_libImageProcessor.arch.patch |
The file was added | components/print/hplip/patches/06_imageprocessing_empty_line.patch |
The file was removed | components/print/hplip/patches/05_hpps.patch |
The file was modified | components/print/hplip/patches/02_HPCupsFilter.cpp.patch (diff) |
The file was added | components/print/hplip/patches/07_slp.py.patch |
The file was removed | components/print/hplip/patches/03_ErnieFilter.cpp.patch |
The file was modified | components/print/hplip/hplip.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/print/hplip/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/desktop/gnome2/atk/atk.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/desktop/gnome2/atk/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/desktop/gnome2/atk/Makefile (diff) |
The file was added | components/print/hplip/hplip.license |
The file was modified | components/library/libraw/libraw.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/library/libraw/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/library/libraw/pkg5 (diff) |
The file was modified | components/library/libraw/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/developer/swig/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/developer/swig/pkg5 (diff) |
The file was modified | components/developer/swig/test/results-all.master (diff) |
The file was modified | components/developer/swig/swig.p5m (diff) |
The file was modified | components/developer/swig/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/developer/gdb/Makefile (diff) |
The file was modified | components/developer/gdb/Solaris/gen_syscall_table.sh (diff) |
The file was added | components/python/cryptography_vectors/Makefile |
The file was added | components/python/cryptography_vectors/test/results-all.master |
The file was added | components/python/cryptography_vectors/cryptography_vectors.license |
The file was added | components/python/cryptography_vectors/pkg5 |
The file was added | components/python/cryptography_vectors/python-integrate-project.conf |
The file was added | components/python/cryptography_vectors/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m |
The file was added | components/python/cryptography_vectors/cryptography_vectors-PYVER.p5m |