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  1. python/asttokens: update to 2.4.0 (commit: 12ff406) (details)
  2. python/hypothesis: update to 6.84.0 (commit: 01be4d7) (details)
  3. tools/python-integrate-project: HUMAN_VERSION change with unchanged COMPONENT_VERSION is update too (commit: 0ec74f1) (details)
  4. simplify support for Post-releases (commit: 5aa424c) (details)
  5. python/rpds_py: update to 0.10.2 (commit: 0d413f4) (details)
  6. python/pytz: update to 2023.3.post1; obsolete package for Python 3.7 (commit: 775bdc0) (details)
  7. python/build: update to 1.0.0; obsolete package for Python 3.7 (commit: 9bb05ab) (details)
Commit 12ff406b6066279ab6cbc8ea4a4826abc70bc577 by noreply
python/asttokens: update to 2.4.0

(commit: 12ff406)
The file was modifiedcomponents/python/asttokens/Makefile (diff)
Commit 01be4d78744282e6507d8ee375c848a09715710a by noreply
python/hypothesis: update to 6.84.0

(commit: 01be4d7)
The file was modifiedcomponents/python/hypothesis/Makefile (diff)
Commit 0ec74f1ec18a63eee0d993fa16d5dee48bed3d64 by noreply
tools/python-integrate-project: HUMAN_VERSION change with unchanged COMPONENT_VERSION is update too

(commit: 0ec74f1)
The file was modifiedtools/python-integrate-project (diff)
Commit 5aa424c0aa09d65f114557f70fb01dd08e4d34dc by noreply simplify support for Post-releases

(commit: 5aa424c)
The file was modifiedmake-rules/ (diff)
Commit 0d413f4b6ced60e0d3bc1bfd54afa817dcaab67a by noreply
python/rpds_py: update to 0.10.2

(commit: 0d413f4)
The file was modifiedcomponents/python/rpds_py/Makefile (diff)
Commit 775bdc01721e40b103fef86b42bfb54910022413 by noreply
python/pytz: update to 2023.3.post1; obsolete package for Python 3.7

(commit: 775bdc0)
The file was modifiedcomponents/python/pytz/history (diff)
The file was removedcomponents/python/pytz/test/results-3.9.master
The file was modifiedcomponents/python/pytz/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/python/pytz/pkg5 (diff)
The file was removedcomponents/python/pytz/test/results-3.7.master
The file was addedcomponents/python/pytz/test/results-all.master
Commit 9bb05ab027406ee270cc182b9bf5ce6db6624920 by noreply
python/build: update to 1.0.0; obsolete package for Python 3.7

(commit: 9bb05ab)
The file was addedcomponents/python/build/history
The file was modifiedcomponents/python/build/test/results-all.master (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/python/build/Makefile (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/python/build/pkg5 (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/python/build/build-PYVER.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/python/build/manifests/sample-manifest.p5m (diff)
The file was modifiedcomponents/python/build/python-integrate-project.conf (diff)