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  1. 1649 bring xclip into oi-userland (commit: cda4e40) (details)
  2. bring xcowsay from oi-build (commit: 5d5f055) (details)
  3. bring xmessage from oi-build (commit: 4827bbf) (details)
Commit cda4e400a564a2086850df93a96371b53369a1f7 by adam.stevko
1649 bring xclip into oi-userland
(commit: cda4e40)
The file was addedcomponents/x11/xclip/Makefile
The file was addedcomponents/x11/xclip/xclip.p5m
The file was addedcomponents/x11/xclip/xclip.license
The file was addedcomponents/x11/xcowsay/Makefile
The file was addedcomponents/x11/xcowsay/xcowsay.p5m
The file was addedcomponents/x11/xcowsay/patches/kill-wall.patch
The file was addedcomponents/x11/xcowsay/xcowsay.license
The file was addedcomponents/x11/xmessage/xmessage.p5m
The file was addedcomponents/x11/xmessage/Makefile
The file was addedcomponents/x11/xmessage/xmessage.license